Why Do I Feel Worse on Supplements?

In today’s world, the diagnosis of chronic illnesses are rapidly inclining. According to a 2018 study, “nearly half (approximately 45%, or 133 million) of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease.” This number is now estimated to be 157 million people with 81 million having multiple conditions

We live in a toxic world full of air pollution, water-damaged buildings, heavy metals in food/water, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, pesticides, processed foods, EMFs, and an unregulated amount of chemicals cycling through our lifestyle/hygienic products. Unlike our ancestors, we need more protection from environmental toxins and pathogens as our immune systems are dealing with exponentially more health hazards. 

Click here to read our article on toxic lifestyle/hygienic products!

Our bodies were designed with built-in detoxification systems. However, these systems are often suppressed and damaged by the root causes of chronic illnesses: bacteria, viruses, parasites, mold, heavy metals, etc. This is why supplemental “detoxification” is crucial for the recovery of chronically-ill people. At times, this requires forms of supplementation that assist the body in excreting the damaging pathogens and toxins that have been stored inside these systems.

What are the Reasons I Feel Worse on Supplements?

When detoxing from pathogens and toxins from supplementation, it is natural for the body to respond with mild headaches, fatigue, general muscle stiffness, frequent urination, and temporary waves of worsening symptoms. However, there are other reasons for feeling worse on supplements.

1) Clogged Drainage Pathways: The pathways of drainage include the colon, kidneys, liver, lymph/skin, and cells. When one or multiple of these pathways is stagnant or clogged due to infections, toxicities, or emotional trauma, the body is unable to effectively eliminate pathogens and toxins with supplementation. Opening drainage pathways is the first essential step in healing!

Without a foundation of proper drainage, the body may become more sick and inflamed rather than healthy and thriving. Drainage is just as important as detoxification. For example, if a person jumps into a parasite protocol prior to working on drainage, they may experience intense die-off symptoms that make the body unable to eliminate the parasite corpses. These toxins may be reabsorbed into the body instead of being carried out of the drainage pathways. This can lead to nausea/vomiting, fatigue, sleep disturbances, hot flashes, migraines, heightened anxiety, and flu-like symptoms. However, addressing drainage pathways prior to an intense protocol will lessen the “die-off” symptoms and make any protocol more manageable and effective.


Each drainage pathway has different forms of receiving drainage support:

  • Colon: It is crucial to have 1-3 consistent bowel movements per day. Ways to support bowel elimination include: taking bowel-moving herbal supplements, eating a clean diet with fiber, hydrating with clean water, and indulging in physical movement (walking, rebounding, stretching, exercise).

  • Liver & Gallbladder: TUDCA, liver-supporting herbal supplements, castor oil packs, and coffee enemas support the drainage of the liver and gallbladder. 

  • Lymphatic System (Lymph) / Skin: Infrared saunas, lymphatic massages, physical movement, rebounding, dry brushing, and lymph-supporting herbal teas and supplementation support lymphatic drainage.

  • Kidneys: Maintaining hydration with clean water and ingesting trace minerals assist the kidneys in properly draining. 

  • Cells: The cells function best when the drainage pathways mentioned above are properly functioning! Cellular drainage may also be assisted with mitochondrial-supportive minerals such as: CT Minerals and Hydroxygen.

Click here to read our article on drainage pathways! 


2) Herxheimer (Herx) Reactions: A herxheimer reaction is a short-term detoxification reaction from supplementation or other healing modalities. When the body is detoxifying, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms such as: fatigue, muscle aches, sore/swollen throat, nausea/abdominal pain, sweating, headaches, etc. 

A herx reaction is also known as “die-off.” Die-off occurs when pathogens and toxins are being expelled from the body. This is a normal healthy reaction that indicates that bacteria, viruses, parasites, mold, heavy metals, etc. are being removed from the body.

A major way to cope with herxheimer reactions / “die-off” is by taking a binder supplement. A binder acts like an absorbent sponge that attracts pathogens and toxins while leading them out of the body. Our favorite binders include: Biotoxin Binder, Carboxy, and HM-ET Binder from Cellcore Biosciences. 

Other ways to cope with herxheimer reactions is through epsom salt baths, infrared saunas, maintaining bowel movements, hydrating, and getting extra rest!

Our clinic’s favorite infrared sauna is by Therasage.

3) Biofilm Busting: Biofilms are brick-like walls that surround pathogens and toxins, making them slightly unrecognizable to the body. When these biofilms are busted and opened, they may release the pathogens and toxins that were held inside of them. This may cause a temporary, short-lived herxheimer reaction.

4) Leaky Gut / Intestinal Hyperpermeability:Leaky gut” occurs when the intestinal lining is damaged. When detoxing with supplementation, those struggling with this may experience more GI tract herxheimer symptoms as this part of the body is more sensitive. 

However, this condition may be put in remission after eliminating bacterial, viral, and/or parasitic infections, when the gut microbiota is repaired.

5) Allergic Reaction: If a person is sensitive or allergic to gluten or dairy, it is necessary to avoid supplements with these ingredients as they may cause an inflammatory response. Typically, supplements do not utilize gluten and dairy as they are popular allergens.

6) Empty Stomach: Although some supplements are required to be taken on an empty stomach, this does not apply to most of them. Ensuring that there is enough food in your stomach prior to taking a supplement may reduce any gastrointestinal upset caused by the supplement. For example, vitamin C is frequently known to upset the stomach if taken on an empty stomach.


The phrase “you may feel worse before you feel better” is often truthful when detoxing pathogens or toxins from the body. 

If you believe you are dealing with chronic illness, please contact a functional provider. Dr. Jaban Moore, a functional medicine provider, can help you if you are experiencing chronic symptoms. 

Please reach out if you are interested in taking your health back! You can give our office a call at (816) 889-9801.






