Comprehensive Stool Analysis-Mosaic Diagnostics
Test Details
Lab Company: Mosaic Diagnostics
Sample Type: Stool
Collection Location: At Home
The Comprehensive Stool Analysis detects pathogens in the gastrointestinal system that can contribute to a variety of diseases. It also analyzes immune function, inflammation, and overall gastrointestinal health.
You will collect samples on two separate days (at least 12 hours apart).
Ship within 5 days of the second collection.
You must avoid certain foods and medications prior to sample collection.
Do not collect your samples while menstruating or actively bleeding from hemorrhoids.
Ship your samples Monday - Wednesday only.
DO NOT register your kit online.
Save the cardboard test kit box - you will use this to ship back your samples.
If your practitioner has ordered Mosaic Diagnostics tests with multiple sample types, consult THIS DOCUMENT to determine the order in which you should collect your samples.
You will collect samples on two separate days.
Samples must be collected at least 12 hours apart.
Samples must be shipped within 5 days of the second collection.
It is best to start your collection over the weekend so you can ship on time.
DO NOT collect your samples while menstruating or actively bleeding from hemorrhoids.
Avoid the following procedures for 4 weeks prior to sample collection.
Barium enema
Avoid the following medications for 2 weeks prior to sample collection.
Probiotic supplements
Proton pump inhibitors (PPI)
Avoid the following foods and medications for 48 hours prior to sample collection.
Digestive enzymes
Iron supplements
Over 250 mg daily of Vitamin C
Aspirin or other NSAIDs
Activated charcoal
Bentonite clay
Betaine HCl
Mineral oil
Castor oil
Glycerin-based laxatives, enemas, or suppositories
If you have trouble producing stool, you can use one of the following laxatives 24 hours prior to sample collection.
Oral phosphate soda laxatives, such as Fleet
Magnesium citrate
Psyllium fiber
Enemas using distilled water only
DO NOT use suppositories or mineral oil prior to sample collection.
Day 1
Write the following information on one of the barcode stickers.
Your full name
Date of collection
Time of collection
2. Place a barcode sticker on one of the BLACK-top vials.
3. Urinate prior to collection.
4. Collect stool in the collection tray.
Do not contaminate the stool with urine or water.
It may help to put plastic wrap over the toilet and then place the collection container on top of the plastic. You could also collect your sample on the plastic wrap.
5. Put on a glove.
6. Open the BLACK-top vial.
DO NOT touch or discard the preservative in the vial.
7. Use the attached spoon to transfer stool into the vial.
Use only the spoon attached to the BLACK-top vial.
Collect samples from several different areas of the stool specimen.
Fill to the fill line.
8. Tightly seal the vial.
9. Shake the BLACK-top vial vigorously for about 30 seconds.
10. Place the BLACK-top vial into the refrigerator.
DO NOT freeze this vial.
11. Dispose of the remaining stool and the collection materials.
DO NOT flush the tray.
Day 2
Write the following information on the remaining barcode stickers.
Your full name
Date of collection
Time of collection
2. Place a barcode sticker on each of the remaining three vials.
3. Urinate prior to collection.
4. Collect stool in the collection tray.
Do not contaminate the stool with urine or water.
It may help to put plastic wrap over the toilet and then place the collection container on top of the plastic. You could also collect your sample on the plastic wrap.
5. Put on a glove.
6. Open the WHITE-top vial.
7. Use the attached spoon to transfer stool into the vial.
Use only the spoon attached to the WHITE-top vial.
Collect samples from several different areas of the stool specimen.
Fill to the fill line.
8. Tightly seal the vial.
9. Place the WHITE-top vial in the freezer for at least 6 hours.
10. Open the BLACK-top vial.
DO NOT touch or discard the preservative in the vial.
11. Use the attached spoon to transfer stool into the vial.
Use only the spoon attached to the BLACK-top vial.
Collect samples from several different areas of the stool specimen.
Fill to the fill line.
12. Tightly seal the vial.
13. Shake the BLACK-top vial vigorously for about 30 seconds.
14. Place the BLACK-top vial into the refrigerator.
DO NOT freeze this vial.
15. Open the YELLOW-top vial.
DO NOT touch or discard the preservative in the vial.
16. Use the attached spoon to transfer stool into the vial.
Use only the spoon attached to the YELLOW-top vial.
Collect samples from several different areas of the stool specimen.
Fill to the fill line.
17. Tightly seal the vial.
18. Shake the YELLOW-top vial vigorously for about 30 seconds.
19. Place the YELLOW-top vial into the refrigerator.
DO NOT freeze this vial.
20. Dispose of the remaining stool and the collection materials.
DO NOT flush the tray.
DO NOT register your kit online.
Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.
Instructions on how to fill out your requisition can be found HERE.
Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on this form.
DO NOT register your kit online.
Ship your samples Monday - Wednesday only.
Samples should be shipped within 5 days of the second collection.
To prepare your samples for shipping,
Place the WHITE-top vial and frozen gel pack into the bubble wrap envelope.
Place the bubble wrap envelope into the cardboard box.
Place the YELLOW-top vial into the biohazard zip-lock bag.
Place both BLACK-top vials into the biohazard zip-lock bag.
Place the absorbent packing sheet into the biohazard zip-lock bag and seal it.
Place the biohazard bag into the cardboard test kit box.
Place the completed test requisition form into the cardboard test kit box.
Seal the cardboard test kit box.
Place the cardboard test kit box into the UPS Laboratory Pak.
Seal the UPS Laboratory Pak.
Make a note of your tracking number (found on the Return Label) so that you can track your samples back to the lab.
Ship using UPS.
You can take your samples to the nearest UPS location.
DO NOT place your samples in a UPS drop box.
You can also schedule a UPS pickup by calling 1 (800) 742-5877.
More Resources
DUTCH Complete
Test Details
Lab Company: Precision Analytical
Sample Type: Urine
Collection Location: At Home
The DUTCH Complete provides a complete assessment of hormonal health. By measuring a patient's sex hormones, adrenal hormones, and melatonin, along with their metabolites, this test can help identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances.
• Avoid avocados, bananas, and fava beans 48 hours before collection.
• Avoid alcohol, caffeine, or large fluid intake during the collection period.
• If you are taking hormones or supplements, consult the information below and your healthcare provider to discuss collection timing.
• If you are a cycling woman, you must collect the samples on specific days of your cycle.
• Ensure the samples are fully dried before shipping them back.
• Samples should be shipped to the lab as soon as possible after sample collection.
• For 48 hours before collection, avoid avocados, bananas, and fava beans.
• Avoid alcohol, caffeine, or large fluid intake for several hours before and during the collection period.
Do not drink any fluids for 2 hours before collecting each sample.
You can drink a little water immediately after sample 3.
Keep fluids to no more than 40 oz total on day 1 (spread evenly throughout the day).
Keep fluids less than 8 oz between samples 3 and 4.
• Taking hormones?
Do NOT take oral DHEA 48 hours before or oral estrogen or pregnenolone 72 hours before your first collection.
Do not skip doses of birth control unless instructed by your healthcare provider.
Hormones taken at night should be taken after the bedtime sample.
Hormones taken in the morning should be taken after sample 4.
If you are using patches, pellets, or injections, collect samples midway between doses.
If you take glucocorticoids, check with your healthcare provider.
If you take oral hydrocortisone, see video instructions CLICK HERE
If you take sublingual hormones, see video instructions here.
• Consult your healthcare provider if you take any of these supplements: Tyrosine, L-Dopa, D,L-Phenylalanine (DLPA), Mucuna, and Quercetin.
• Cycling women should take the test according to the following schedule:
For more information on the timing of your test, see the handout HERE
Irregular cycles: Watch this video to determine when to collect.
Regular cycles: Use the table below to determine when to collect your sample. Begin collecting your sample 6-9 days before your cycle ends.
1.Collect according to the following schedule. Do not drink any fluids for 2 hours before collecting each sample.
a.Sample 1: Dinnertime (~5pm)
b.Sample 2: Bedtime (~10pm - 12am)
c.Extra Overnight Sample: Collect at your first waking sleep disturbance with urination.
If you wake to urinate a second time during the night, do not collect.
d.Sample 3: Upon waking - DO NOT lay awake in bed before collecting sample 3.
e.Sample 4: 2 hours after waking
Tip: Set a timer to remind yourself!
2.Write your name, the date and time of collection, the day of your cycle (if applicable), and the sample number (following the schedule above) on the collection device.
3.Saturate the filter paper completely by urinating directly on it OR by using a clean cup and dipping the filter paper.
4.Leave the collection device open to dry for at least 24 hours.
5.Once dry, close and fold each collection device.
6.Complete the test requisition form.
7.Place all devices in the resealable plastic bag.
8.Place the completed requisition form and the plastic bag in the provided envelope to mail.
Special Collection Notes:
1.If you miss a collection, collect at the appropriate time the following day.
2.You can start the collection with Sample 3 instead of Sample 1.
a.You must collect the extra sample if you do this.
3.If you have an abnormal sleep schedule, collect at the following times:
a.Sample 1: 4-7 hours before bed
b.Sample 2: before your longest stretch of sleep
c.Sample 3: upon waking from this sleeping period
d.Sample 4: 2 hours later
•Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•Use the return envelope provided to ship your samples via UPS.
Once the collection devices are dry, close and fold each device.
Place all sample collection devices into the resealable plastic bag.
Place the completed requisition form and the plastic bag into the provided envelope to mail.
•Please ship ALL tests as soon as possible after completion.
If you have to wait to ship your samples, please place the plastic bag containing the samples in the freezer after they have dried.
•Make a note of the tracking number so that you can track your sample back to the lab.
DUTCH Cycle Mapping
Test Details
Lab Company: Precision Analytical (DUTCH)
Sample Type: Urine
Collection Location: At Home
The DUTCH Cycle Mapping analyzes the pattern of progesterone and estrogen throughout the menstrual cycle. It is collected throughout one entire menstrual cycle.
•This is a long and detailed test. Please read the instructions carefully.
•If you are taking oral estrogen, progesterone, or pregnenolone, consult your healthcare practitioner before completing this test.
•If you are taking any hormone therapy, consult your healthcare practitioner before completing this test.
•You must avoid certain foods and medications prior to completing Samples #22-25.
•The sample collection schedule is dependent on your cycle length.
•Samples should be shipped as soon as possible after completion.
•This test is not intended for women who are not cycling, on hormonal birth control, on hormone replacement therapy, or are post-menopausal.
•If you are taking oral estrogen, progesterone, or pregnenolone, consult your healthcare practitioner before completing this test.
•If you are taking any hormone therapy, consult your healthcare practitioner before completing this test.
It is typically required to stop hormone therapy for the duration of this test.
Do NOT discontinue prescription medications prior to consulting with your healthcare practitioner.
•Before collecting the LAST FOUR SAMPLES,
Avoid avocado, fava beans, and bananas for 48 hours.
Consult your healthcare practitioner if you are taking tyrosine, L-Dopa, D,L-Phenylalanine (DLPA), Mucuna, or Quercetin.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol on the day of collection.
Take all non-essential medications and supplements after Sample #23.
Limit fluid intake to 40 oz.
•The COLLECTION SCHEDULE for this test will be determined by your cycle. Day 1 is the first day of menstrual flow (not spotting).
Normal or short cycle: a cycle less than 34 days
The first collection will be on Day 7.
The last four samples will be collected on the 4th day of your new cycle.
Long cycle: a cycle that is 34 days or longer
The first collection will be on Day 7.
The last four samples will be collected on the 4th day of your new cycle.
No cycle: a cycle without bleeding (due to a partial hysterectomy, ablation, etc.)
You can start collections any day.
The last four samples will be collected on Day 33.
Collection Schedule:
Normal or Short Cycle (less than 34 days)
•General notes about your sample collection:
Collection 1 should be done on Day 7 of your cycle.
If you miss a collection, simply collect the following day and then continue the schedule as it is listed.
If menstruation begins before Sample #21, collect one more sample (Day 2 of your period) and then skip to Samples #22-25.
If you complete Sample #21 and have not started menstruating, call DUTCH at 503-687-2050 to be advised on the next steps.
Long Cycle (34 or more days)
•General notes about your sample collection:
Collection 1 should be done on Day 7 of your cycle.
If you miss a collection, simply collect the following day and then continue the schedule as it is listed.
If menstruation begins before Sample #21, collect one more sample (Day 2 of your period) and then skip to Samples #22-25.
If you complete Sample #21 and have not started menstruating, call DUTCH at 503-687-2050 to be advised on the next steps.
Sample Collection Schedule
No Cycle (functional ovaries but no menstrual flow)
•General notes about your sample collection:
You can start any day.
You do not need to collect Samples #17-21.
Collect samples #22-25 on day 33.
Last Four Samples
•General notes about your sample collection:
There are special preparation instructions for this day. Read these instructions here.
•Sample Collection Schedule
Sample #22: Collect your sample within 10 minutes of waking.
Do not drink more than 8 oz of fluids between this sample and Sample #23.
Set a timer for 2 hours.
Sample #23: Collect 2 hours after waking.
Sample #24: Collect around dinnertime (around 5 pm).
Do not drink fluids in the 2 hours prior to collecting this sample.
Sample #25: Collect around bedtime (around 10 pm).
Do not drink fluids in the 2 hours prior to collecting this sample.
Collection Instructions
1.Prior to collection,
Complete all information, including the date of collection and the day of your cycle, on each urine collection device using a ballpoint pen.
Find the collection schedule on page 6, 8, or 10 of the included collection instructions.
Fill in the dates of collection on the collection schedule.
2.Urine Collection (follow the appropriate collection schedule)
You can collect your urine sample in one of two ways:
Saturate the filter paper by urinating directly on it.
Urinate into a clean cup and dip the filter paper for 5 seconds.
Leave the collection device open to dry for at least 24 hours.
Once the collection device is dry, close it and place it in the kit box.
Repeat for each urine collection.
3.Once all samples are dry, ensure they are all properly labeled.
4.Complete the test requisition form.
5.Place the dry collection devices in the provided plastic bag and seal.
6.Place the plastic bag in the test kit box.
•Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•To prepare your samples for shipping,
Place the dry collection devices in the provided plastic bag and seal.
Place the plastic bag in the test kit box.
Cut out the completed collection schedule.
Place the completed collection schedule in the test kit box.
Place the completed test requisition form in the test kit box.
Place the test kit box in the provided return envelope.
•Please ship ALL tests as soon as possible after completion.
If you have to wait to ship your samples, please place the plastic bag containing the samples in the freezer after they have dried.
•Make a note of the tracking number so that you can track your sample back to the lab.
Test Details
Lab Company: Precision Analytical
Sample Type: Urine and Saliva
Collection Location: At Home
The DUTCH Plus® measures a patient's sex hormones and metabolites, the diurnal pattern of free cortisol, and the total and distribution of cortisol metabolites, to assess hormone health.
•Avoid avocados, bananas, and fava beans 48 hours before collection.
•Avoid alcohol, caffeine, large fluid intake, and exercise the night before collection and on the collection day.
•Do not floss the day of collection.
•Do not brush your teeth or consume morning food and drink until after collection 3.
•If you are taking hormones or supplements, consult the information below and your healthcare provider to discuss collection timing.
•If you are a cycling woman, you must collect the samples on specific days of your cycle (see below).
•Freeze the saliva samples within 12 hours of collection. Keep them frozen until shipping.
•You will use 5/6 saliva tubes.
•Ensure the urine samples are fully dried before shipping them back.
•Samples should be shipped back as soon as possible after collection.
72 hours prior to collection
•Do not take oral estrogen, testosterone, or pregnenolone.
Do not skip doses of birth control unless instructed by your healthcare provider.
48 hours prior to collection
•Avoid avocados, bananas, and fava beans.
•Do not take oral DHEA.
Night before collection
•Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and large fluid intake.
•Take any oral progesterone at bedtime.
Day of collection
•Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and large fluid intake.
•Avoid exercise.
•Avoid morning food and drink until after collection 3.
•After morning food and drink, keep fluids to no more than 40 oz total (spread evenly throughout the day).
•Avoid food and drink for an hour before collections 5 and 6.
•Do not brush your teeth until after collection 3 (morning) and collection 6 (evening).
•Do not floss the day of collection.
•The first sample should be collected before you get out of bed.
Other Medications
•Consult your healthcare provider if you take any of these supplements: Tyrosine, L-Dopa, D,L-Phenylalanine (DLPA), Mucuna, and Quercetin.
•Hormones taken at night should be taken after the bedtime sample.
•Hormones taken in the morning should be taken after sample 4.
•If you are using patches, pellets, or injections, collect samples midway between doses.
•Hormone creams and gels can be taken as usual.
•If you take glucocorticoids, check with your healthcare provider.
•If you take oral hydrocortisone, see video instructions here.
•If you take sublingual hormones, see video instructions here.
Cycling Women
•Cycling women should take the test according to the following schedule.
•For more information on the timing of your test, see the handout HERE.
•Irregular cycles: Watch this video to determine when to collect.
•Regular cycles: Use the table below to determine when to collect your sample. Begin collecting your sample 6-9 days before your cycle ends.
Collection Schedule
1.Collection 1 (Saliva, Urine): Upon waking
a.Collect saliva immediately upon waking.
a.Complete within 5 minutes of waking.
b.Set a timer for collections 2 and 3.
c.Collect the first urine sample.
d.Do NOT brush, floss, eat, or participate in vigorous activity.
2.Collection 2 (Saliva): 30 minutes after waking
a.Collect saliva only.
b.Do NOT brush, floss, eat, or participate in vigorous activity.
3.Collection 3 (Saliva): 60 minutes after waking
a.Collect saliva only.
b.You can now brush your teeth and eat.
4.Collection 4 (Urine): 2-3 hours after waking
a.Collect urine only.
b.Limit fluid intake for the rest of the day.
5.Collection 5 (Saliva, Urine): 4-5 pm (before your evening meal)
a.Avoid food and fluids for one hour before collecting samples.
b.Rinse your mouth with water 10 min before collecting saliva.
c.Collect saliva and urine.
6.Collection 6 (Saliva, Urine): 10 pm-12 am (or at your bedtime if prior to 10 pm)
a.Avoid food and fluids for one hour before collecting samples.
b.Rinse your mouth with water 10 min before collecting saliva.
c.Collect saliva and urine.
Saliva Collection
1.Set the saliva collection device, requisition form, and pen next to your bed the night prior to your collection.
2.Collect the first sample immediately upon waking, before getting out of bed.
3.Remove the tube cap.
4.Place the cotton swab from the collection device in your mouth.
a.Touch the swab as little as possible with your hands.
5.Leave the swab in your mouth until fully saturated. Do not leave it in longer than 5 minutes.
a.Lightly chewing on the swab may help stimulate saliva flow.
6.Once the swab is saturated, place the swab back into the same tube as you found it.
a.Do not remove the inner tube.
b.Do not spit into the tube.
7.Complete all information on the tube label.
8.Freeze the saliva sample until ready to ship.
9.Set a timer for the second and third collections after you have completed the first.
10.Move to a well-lit location after the first saliva collection.
11.Repeat steps 3-8 for each collection.
Urine Collection
1.Complete all information on the collection device.
2.Saturate the filter paper completely by urinating directly on it OR by using a clean cup and dipping the filter paper for 5 seconds.
3.Leave the collection device open to dry for at least 24 hours.
4.Repeat steps 1-3 for each collection.
5.Once dry, close and fold each collection device.
6.Complete the test requisition form.
7.Place all devices in the resealable plastic bag. Description text goes here
•Item desYour kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•To prepare your samples for shipping,
Once the urine collection devices are dry, close and fold each device.
Ensure all collection devices and tubes are clearly and properly labeled.
Place all of the urine collection devices in the included resealable plastic bag.
Place the plastic bag containing the urine collection devices and the frozen saliva tubes in the test kit box.
Place the completed requisition form and the test kit box in the provided envelope to mail.
Affix the prepaid label to the envelope, if applicable.
•Please ship ALL tests as soon as possible after completion.
If you have to wait to ship your samples, please place the plastic bag containing the samples in the freezer after they have dried.
•Make a note of the tracking number so that you can track your sample back to the lab.Item description
ERMI - Envirobiomics
Test Details
Lab Company: Envirobiomics
Sample Type: Dust
Collection Location: At Home
The ERMI test determines the presence of mold in the home.
**When performing this test, you ONLY want dust samples from places that have 4-6 week old dust. Clean the areas you inspect first and wait for 4 weeks to collect the sample.
1. Please only use the dust cloth provided in the sampling kit. Avoid
unnecessary contact with the Swiffer cloth by wearing the disposable
gloves supplied in the sampling kit.
2. Swipe at least 10 “areas” within the space that you want to be
tested (i.e., home or workplace). Be sure to wipe in one direction
only. Do not scrub back & forth or wipe in a circular motion.
3. Areas can include tops of interior door frames, entertainment
centers, shelves, dressers, nightstands, HVAC return vents, and
other regions like this. The goal is to gather dust from different
areas in the home/office to analyze the entire space. DO NOT
sample directly from a visible mold source (i.e., mold spots on a
wall). Avoid sampling areas that are rusty and have visible dust
from clay or drywall dust from construction/repairs/new builds.
Avoid areas near stoves, heaters, or other high heat sources.
Samples taken from these areas will inhibit the testing process.
4. As needed, ask your doctor or Indoor Environmental Profes- sional for specific collection preferences as those may differ from
the one listed here. The instruction in this document is the one
recommended by the US EPA as the standard sample collection
5. After swiping at least 10 areas, fold the Swiffer cloth with the
dust inside, place it in the Ziploc bag, and zip it. Ensure the
Swiffer is visibly dirty (changed from white to gray, see the pic- ture in the link below) to provide enough dust for testing. If the
cloth is not visibly dirty, continue swiping in areas until the fabric
appears dirty.
6. Write the Location where the sample was taken on the Chain of Custody form under "Location." If you have multiple samples,
please make sure the location is on both the bag and Chain of
Custody form clearly.
7. Complete the Chain of Custody (CoC) form supplied in the kit
(also available online printed on our website).
Instructions on how to collect an adequate dust sample using
the Swiffer method:
*Please make sure the cloth changes color on all visible areas, front and back.
*Combining dust samples from the basement, garage, or crawl space with samples from
the upstairs or living space is strongly discouraged.
*Don’t use the Swiffer to wipe the floor.
*DO NOT place the Chain of Custody form inside the Ziploc with the sample
Environmental Toxins - Vibrant Wellness
Test Details
Lab Company: Vibrant Wellness
Sample Type: Urine
Collection Location: At Home
The Environmental Toxins test determines the presence of excessive environmental toxin exposure.
•Do not collect samples while menstruating.
•Do not drink more than 8 oz water 1 hour prior to urine collection.
•Use FedEx to ship samples back to the lab as soon as possible, Monday - Friday only.
•No supplements for 3 days
•No increased intensity in workouts than what you have normally done before for 3 days.
•No therapies for 3 days prior to testing. This includes; castor oil, sauna, and red light.
•Do not collect samples while menstruating.
•Fasting is not required. However, fasting for 24 hours may increase the excretion of toxic chemicals.
Please consult your healthcare practitioner prior to fasting.
•Do not drink more than 8 oz water 1 hour prior to urine collection.
1.Collect your first morning urine into the provided collection cup.
a.It is preferred to collect your sample prior to eating or drinking.
b.If you must drink something, drink less than 8 oz of water.
2.Open the specimen tube.
3.Use the pipette to transfer urine from the collection cup to the specimen tube.
a.Fill to the top of the tube label.
4.Recap the specimen tube tightly by pushing down and twisting slightly.
5.Discard the remaining urine and the collection cup.
6.Write your name, date of birth, and the date and time of collection on the tube label.
7.Place the specimen tube into the biohazard bag and seal it.
•Your kit has been prepaid. You do NOT need to pay anything extra.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•To prepare your samples for shipping,
Place the urine specimen tube into the biohazard bag.
Place the completed requisition form into the back pocket of the biohazard bag.
Place the biohazard bag into the provided return bubble mailer.
•Make a note of the tracking number on the included return label so that you can track your samples back to the lab.
•Return via FedEx as soon as possible, Monday - Friday only.
You can take your samples to the nearest FedEx location.
You can also visit or call 1-800-463-3339 to schedule a pickup of your samples.
Do not place your samples in a FedEx drop box.
More Resources
Glyphosate – Mosaic Diagnostics
Test Details
Lab Company: Mosaic Diagnostics
Sample Type: Urine
Collection Location: At Home
This is a single-marker test measuring glyphosate. Glyphosate is the world’s most widely produced herbicide and is the primary toxic chemical in Roundup™, as well as in many other herbicides.
•Do not collect your sample while menstruating.
•You will collect your sample upon waking.
•Freeze your sample before shipping.
•Your sample may only be shipped Monday through Thursday.
•Save the cardboard test kit box - you will use this to ship back your sample.
•If your practitioner has ordered Mosaic Diagnostics tests with multiple sample types, consult THIS DOCUMENT to determine the order in which you should collect your samples.
•DO NOT collect your sample while menstruating.
•The day of collection:
You will collect your sample upon waking.
DO NOT eat or drink prior to collecting your sample.
1.Collect your first morning urine in the provided collection cup.
a.Collect prior to eating or drinking.
b.You will need a minimum of 10 mL for each urine test ordered.
2.Screw the collection cup lid on tightly.
3.Write the following information on the barcode stickers.
a.Your full name
b.Date of collection
c.Time of collection
4.Check the box "Check if Frozen" on the barcode stickers.
5.Place a barcode sticker on the collection cup.
6.Place the following items into the freezer.
a.Collection cup
b.Provided gel pack (lay it flat!)
7.The sample and gel pack should remain in the freezer for a minimum of 4 hours prior to shipping.
a.Keep them in the freezer until ready to ship.
b.Your frozen sample is only viable for 30 days after collection.
8.When you are ready to ship your sample, place the collection cup into the biohazard zip-lock bag along with the absorbent sheet.
9.Place the frozen gel pack and the sample into the silver thermo bag.
10.Place the silver thermo bag into the cardboard test kit box.
a.If the sample is not in the box, it will be rejected by UPS.
11.Place the completed test requisition form (if you did not register your kit online) into the box and close the lid.
•Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•Your sample must be frozen for a minimum of 4 hours prior to shipping.
•To prepare your sample for shipping,
Place the collection cup into the biohazard zip-lock bag.
Ensure the absorbent sheet is in the bag as well.
Place the frozen gel pack into the silver thermo bag.
Place the biohazard zip-lock bag into the silver thermo bag.
Place the silver thermo bag into the cardboard box.
Place the completed test requisition form (if you did not register your kit online) into the box.
Seal the cardboard box.
Place the cardboard box into the provided UPS Laboratory Pak.
Seal the Laboratory Pak.
•Make a note of your tracking number (found on the Return Label) so that you can track your sample back to the lab.
•Ship via UPS, Monday - Thursday only.
You can take your sample to the nearest UPS location.
DO NOT place your sample in a UPS drop box.
You can also schedule a UPS pickup by calling 1 (800) 742-5877.
Heavy Metals - Vibrant Wellness
Test Details
Lab Company: Vibrant Wellness
Sample Type: Urine
Collection Location: At Home
The Heavy Metals test identifies toxicity from 20 of the most common heavy metals.
•Do not collect samples while menstruating.
•You must avoid certain foods for 48 hours prior to collection.
•Do not drink more than 8 oz water 1 hour prior to urine collection.
•Use FedEx to ship samples back to the lab as soon as possible, Monday - Friday only.
•No supplements for 3 days
•No increased intensity in workouts than what you have normally done before for 3 days.
•No therapies for 3 days prior to testing. This includes; castor oil, sauna, and red light.
•Do not collect samples while menstruating.
•Avoid the following foods for 48 hours prior to collection.
Brazil Nuts
Other foods high in iodine or selenium
•Do not drink more than 8 oz water 1 hour prior to urine collection.
If you are doing a single collection:
1.Collect your first morning urine into the provided collection cup.
a.It is preferred to collect your sample prior to eating or drinking.
b.If you must drink something, drink less than 8 oz water.
2.Open the specimen tube.
3.Use the pipette to transfer urine from the collection cup to the specimen tube.
a.Fill to the top of the tube label.
4.Recap the specimen tube tightly by pushing down and twisting slightly.
5.Discard the remaining urine and the collection cup.
6.Write your name, date of birth, and the date and time of collection on the tube label.
7.Place the specimen tube into the biohazard bag and seal it.
•Your kit has been prepaid. You do NOT need to pay anything extra.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•To prepare your samples for shipping,
Place the urine specimen tube into the biohazard bag.
Place the completed requisition form into the back pocket of the biohazard bag.
Place the biohazard bag into the provided return bubble mailer.
•Make a note of the tracking number on the included return label so that you can track your samples back to the lab.
•Return via FedEx as soon as possible, Monday - Friday only.
You can take your samples to the nearest FedEx location.
You can also visit or call 1-800-463-3339 to schedule a pickup of your samples.
Do not place your samples in a FedEx drop box.
More Resources
HTMA- Trace Elements
Test Details
Lab Company: Trace Elements
Sample Type: Hair
Collection Location: At Home
Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), is an analytical test which measures the mineral content of the hair. The sampled hair, obtained by cutting the first inch and one-half of growth closest to the scalp at the nape of the neck, is prepared in a licensed clinical laboratory through a series of chemical and high temperature digestive procedures. Testing is then performed using highly sophisticated detection equipment and methods to achieve the most accurate and precise results.
*Heavy metals are labeled as "Toxic Elements" on the HTMA.
Heavy Metal Exposures
Aluminum: Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth’s crust and occurs naturally in the environment and drinking water. Aluminum may be ingested, absorbed through the skin, or inhaled. The average adult in the United States ingests 7–9 mg of aluminum per day through food and 10-100 mg of aluminum per day through aluminum-based products and environmental sources. Sources of aluminum exposure include:
Processed Foods:
Coloring agents
Anticaking agents
Processed cheese
Table salt
Baking powders/baking soda
Bleached flour
Prepared dough
Cake mixes
Non-dairy creamers
Vanilla powders
Materials such as:
Aluminum-containing food packaging
Aluminum-containing pots and pans - here is our recommended pans
Aluminum-containing steamers and strainers
Cooking utensils and baking trays
Soda cans
Aluminum Foils: It is estimated that as much as 4 milligrams of aluminum can be transferred to each serving of an acidic food (tomatoes, citrus fruits, etc.) that has been heated or stored in aluminum foil.
Cosmetic Products
Deodorants & antiperspirants that contain aluminum hydroxide
Eye shadows
Drugs (antacid agents)
Antacids have 300–600 mg of aluminum hydroxide
Tap water
Pesticides and herbicides
Jet fuel
Mining, Factory work, and welding
Antimony: Antimony is a metal that is found in the Earth’s crust. In the environment, antimony is found combined with other substances to form antimony compounds that can be found within rocks. Antimony is used in many industries in making flame-proofing materials and as an ingredient in some paints, glass, and batteries. It is often coupled with materials such as lead to improve the durability of products. Antimony ores are often mined and mixed with other metals to form antimony alloys. Frequent exposure can lead to adverse effects.
Sources of antimony exposure include:
Lead storage batteries
Sheet & pipe metal
Paints & ceramics
Enamels for plastics, metal, and glass
Tap water & single-use water bottles
Inside of fire/shooting range facilities
Higher levels of antimony may be found near waste sites or industries that process or release it, such as smelters, coal-fired plants, and garbage incinerators.
Arsenic: Arsenic is a natural element of the Earth’s crust & is widely distributed throughout the environment in the air, water and land. It is highly toxic in its inorganic form. People are primarily exposed to elevated levels of inorganic arsenic through drinking or utilizing contaminated water, industrial processes, eating contaminated food, and smoking tobacco.
Arsenic is a popular contaminant in tap water and levels tend to be higher in drinking water that comes from ground sources, such as wells, as opposed to water from surface sources, such as lakes or reservoirs.
Rice & rise-based cereals: To reduce the arsenic in your rice, first give it a good rinse. Place the rice in a fine mesh strainer and pour water over it until it runs clear, then cook.
Inorganic Poultry
Tap Water
Pesticides and herbicides
Job Sites:
Copper or lead smelting sites
Wood treating sites
Farm, fields, or orchards where arsenic-containing pesticides were previously used.
Beryllium: Beryllium is a metal naturally-occurring in nature. It is a conductor of electricity and heat, and is non-magnetic. Because of these properties, it is used in high-technology products, including aerospace components, transistors, nuclear reactors, and golf clubs. Most exposures to beryllium that cause symptoms are related to beryllium processing. The primary route of exposure is through airborne particles of beryllium metal, alloys, oxides, and ceramics.
Another major exposure is through the combustion of fossil fuels (primarily coal), which releases beryllium-containing particulates into the atmosphere.
Sources of beryllium exposure include:
Industries and jobs:
Aerospace workers
Construction workers
Laboratory workers
Smelting/foundry workers
Machine operators
Beryl ore miners
Tool and die manufacturers
Dental technicians
Furnace Tenders
X- rays
Dental supplies
Dental labs (alloys in crowns, bridges, and dental plates)
Computer parts
Automotive parts
Industrial ceramics
Nuclear weapons
Sporting goods
Golf clubs
Tobacco smoke
Cadmium: Cadmium is a heavy metal that is produced during the smelting of other metals, such as zinc, lead, and copper. It is also used in metal plating, some paints, plastics and fertilizers, and is found within cigarette smoke. Exposure to cadmium occurs primarily in the workplace where cadmium products are produced.
The general population can be exposed to cadmium from cigarette smoke or by eating cadmium-contaminated foods and water.
Sources of cadmium exposure include:
Tobacco smoke
Mining, smelting, and the refining of metals
Fossil fuel combustion
Incineration of municipal waste (cadmium containing batteries and plastics)
Exposure to phosphate fertilizers
Eating cadmium-containing foods
Tap water
Jewelry, toys, and plastics
Lead: Lead is a metal found naturally in the Earth’s crust and has been historically used in a variety of ways including in paints, gasoline, batteries, bullets, keys, and some vinyl products. It is one of the most prominently-known metals that pose health risks and a variety of symptoms.
Today, there are restrictions on lead usage; however, lead residue and trace amounts of lead are still the cause of symptoms.
Sources of lead exposure include:
Homes built before 1978 (when lead-based paints were banned) may contain lead-based paint. When the paint peels/cracks, it makes lead dust.
Water pipes and tap water
Toys and jewelry
Mining Sites
Battery recycling or manufacturing
Auto repair/mechanic or machinery type work
Shooting ranges or hunting
Making, handling, or storing fishing weights made of lead
Demolition of buildings and structures
Cosmetics (specifically lipstick)
Metal keys may contain lead. Do not let children play with/chew on them.
Eating fruits and vegetables grown in or near lead-contaminated soil.
Inorganic spices
Imported candy
Old mini-blinds
Plumbing (using/repairing lead solder)
Making pottery or other ceramics using glazes that contain lead
Making stained glass using lead solder
Repair, renovation, or remodeling of residential/commercial buildings
Mercury: Mercury is a heavy metal that naturally occurs on Earth, but it is also used in various industrial and medical uses. It is highly toxic and is known to cause harmful symptoms in humans.
Preventing or minimizing exposure to mercury in your environment is the best way to reduce the risk of mercury poisoning.
Sources of mercury exposure include:
Dental amalgams
Small amounts of mercury vapor are released from dental fillings that contain mercury.
Thermometers and thermostats
Fluorescent light bulbs
Coal-burning power plants
Fish and shellfish
King mackerel
Vaccines containing thimerosal
Skin-lightening creams/products
Imported jewelry
Uranium: Uranium is a naturally-occurring radioactive heavy metal and it enters the body via inhalation, ingestion, and/or skin contact. Both acute and chronic exposures can produce adverse effects and harmful symptoms. Its primary damage is due to its radiological properties.
For most people, food and drinking water are the main sources of uranium exposure.
Sources for uranium exposure include:
People who work with phosphate fertilizers may also be exposed to higher levels of uranium.
Root crops such as potatoes, parsnips, turnips, and sweet potatoes contribute the highest amounts of uranium to the diet. The amount of uranium in these foods is directly related to the amount of uranium in the soil in which they are grown.
Gulf War veterans have been shown to have increased uranium levels in their bodies.
People who live near uranium mining, processing, or manufacturing facilities could be exposed to more uranium than the general population.
Military supplies
Old dental supplies
Tap water
Distilled water is the only water that removes radioactive elements.
What to do and what not to do before collecting your sample
Prescription Medications: There is no need to stop taking your prescription medications for the HTMA test.
Supplements: You can continue taking your supplements as normal for the HTMA test.
Foods: You can continue to eat as you normally would prior to the HTMA test.
Collecting Your Hair for the HTMA Test: Your collection sample should consist of approximately 1 heaping teaspoon of hair that is cut from the root of the hair, keeping only the first inch that grows closest to the scalp and discarding the rest. See the instructions in the kit to be certain you are collecting an adequate amount.
Sample Collection: Collect from clean, dry hair that does not contain any gels, sprays, or other hair products.
1. Make sure hair is clean and dry, with no residual products. The hair must be untreated, i.e. not permed,
dyed, or bleached. If all of the hair has been chemically treated, wait until sufficient new virgin growth to allow
collection. The hair should also be free of all gels, oils and hair creams prior to sample collection.
2. Fill out the requisition form, noting what type of shampoo you use. Gather a pair of stainless steel scissors, a
kitchen scale or a teaspoon measurement, a clean piece of paper, an
envelope, and a stamp.
3. Take the samples from between the crown of the head and the bottom of the
ears. Each sample should be NO LONGER than 1 inch (use the guide below.
It can be shorter than 1 inch if needed). Take samples from at least 5 different
locations. Cut the samples as close to the root as possible.
Collect a heaping teaspoon's worth of hair
Please note: If not enough hair is provided, the lab cannot run the
sample and an additional sample will be required. *If you are planning to
treat or color your hair, err on the side of caution and cut more than you
think is needed, or wait to treat your hair until our team has approved your
sample size. If the sample is too small and you have already treated your hair, there will be a minimal
3-week wait time to recollect depending on your rate of growth.
4. Place the hair on the clean piece of paper
5. Take a picture of your sample and send it to us through the chat feature
in Practice Better so that we can approve it before you send it to the lab.
Fold the paper over the hair and use scotch tape to secure the outside
of the paper. Write on the paper your name, your shampoo, and our
account # 9251
6. After the picture is approved, place the completed requisition form and
the sample(enclosed in the small makeshift envelope) in a standard
letter envelope.
Send sample and completed requisition form directly to:
Trace Elements
PO Box 514,
Addison, Texas 75001 USA
IgG Food MAP with Candida + Yeast (192) - Mosaic Diagnostics
Test Details
Lab Company: Mosaic Diagnostics
Sample Type: Blood Spot
Collection Location: At Home
The IgG Food MAP with Candida and Yeast analyzes a wide variety of foods common in Western, Asian, and Mediterranean diets, as well as Candida and yeast. It assists in the diagnosis of food allergies and sensitivities.
•Talk to your healthcare provider if you are taking blood-thinning medications or have a blood clotting disorder.
•Drink at least 16 oz of water a few hours prior to collection.
•Keep your collection card cool and dry until shipping.
•Ship your sample Monday - Thursday only.
•If your practitioner has ordered Mosaic Diagnostics tests with multiple sample types, consult THIS DOCUMENT to determine the order in which you should collect your samples.
•Talk to your healthcare provider if you are taking blood-thinning medications or have a blood clotting disorder.
•A few hours prior to collection:
Drink at least 16 oz of water.
2.Write the following information on the barcode stickers.
a.Your full name
b.Date of collection
c.Time of collection
2.Place a barcode sticker on the collection card.
3.Open the collection card.
a.DO NOT touch the collection circles.
4.Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 2 minutes.
5.Dry your hands with a clean towel.
6.Choose the finger you will prick.
a.It is recommended to choose the middle or ring finger on your non-dominant hand.
7.Stimulate blood flow by shaking your hand for 15-20 seconds and rubbing your chosen finger.
8.Open the lancet by twisting the yellow tab and pulling it straight out.
9.Wipe your finger with the antiseptic wipe.
10.Set the antiseptic wipe aside. DO NOT throw it away yet.
11.Press the lancet against the side of your fingertip until you hear a click.
12.Wipe off the first drop of blood with the antiseptic wipe.
13.Place a large, free-flowing drop of blood on each circle on the card.
a.DO NOT touch the card with your finger.
b.Gently massage the entire finger to assist in forming blood drops.
14.If the circle is not filled and saturated completely, place additional drops immediately on the same circle.
a.DO NOT add blood once the card is dry.
b.Each spot should look like the "Acceptable" picture below.
15.Fill all circles completely.
16.If you have trouble producing enough blood, you can repeat steps 8-14 with the second lancet on a different finger.
17.Once all of the circles are completely filled, wipe your finger with the sterile gauze pad.
18.If your finger continues to bleed, hold your hand above shoulder height for about a minute until your finger stops bleeding.
19.Bandage your finger.
20.Bend the card on the dotted line and place it in a cool, dry, clean area.
a.DO NOT touch the blood spots.
b.DO NOT let the blood spots touch any surface while drying.
c.DO NOT put the card in sunlight or near a heat source.
21.Let the card air dry at room temperature for at least 3 hours.
22.Throw away the lancet, antiseptic wipe, and any other materials used.
23.Once the card is completely dry, close the flap.
24.Place the card into the ziplock bag with the desiccant pack and seal.
•Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•Ship your sample Monday - Thursday only.
Keep the card cool and dry until shipping.
•To prepare the sample for shipping,
Once the card is dry, close the flap on the card.
Place the collection card into the ziplock bag with the desiccant pack.
Seal the bag.
Place the ziplock bag into the provided UPS return envelope.
Place the completed test requisition form (if you did not register your kit online) into the UPS return envelope.
Seal the UPS return envelope.
•Make a note of the tracking number on the label so that you can track your sample back to the lab.
•Ship using UPS.
You can take your sample to the nearest UPS location.
DO NOT place your sample in a UPS drop box.
You can also schedule a UPS pickup by calling 1 (800) 742-5877.
More Resources
Test Details
Lab Company: KBMO Diagnostics
Sample Type: Blood Spot
Collection Location: At Home
The FIT tests measure sensitivities to various foods and additives.
Hydrate for a few hours prior to sample collection.
No special diet, preparation, or timing is needed.
Return using UPS or USPS (the envelope in your test kit will tell you the designated carrier).
Hydrate for a few hours prior to sample collection.
No special diet, preparation, or timing is needed.
Write the following information on the blood spot card.
Patient's first and last name
Date of collection
2. Complete the test requisition form.
3. Wash your hands with soap and warm water.
4. Dry your hands with a clean towel.
5. Rub your hands together for 10-15 seconds to increase blood flow.
You can also swing your arms around to increase blood flow.
6. Place the blood spot card face up in front of you.
7. Open gauze and set aside.
8. Wipe the tip of your finger with the alcohol prep pad.
It is recommended you use your index or middle finger on your non-dominant hand.
9. Let your finger air dry.
10. Remove the cap from the lancet.
11. Place your hand palm up on a hard surface.
12. Place the tip of the lancet against the side of the sterilized fingertip.
13. Press the lancet firmly until you hear a click.
14. Wipe away the first drop of blood with the gauze.
15. Gently massage the finger to produce a large droplet of blood.
16. Touch the droplet to one circle of the collection card.
DO NOT touch the card with your finger.
17. Fill all 5 circles completely.
18. Apply pressure to the puncture site with the gauze.
19. Bandage the finger.
20. Allow the card to air dry for at least 20 minutes.
21. Place the blood spot card into the biohazard bag.
22. Place the completed test requisition form in the outside pouch of the biohazard bag.
23. Place the biohazard bag back in the test kit box.
• Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.
• Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
To prepare your sample for shipping,
Allow the card to air dry for at least 20 minutes.
Place the blood spot card into the biohazard bag.
Place the completed test requisition form into the outside pouch of the biohazard bag.
Place the biohazard bag into the test kit box.
Place the test kit box into the return mailer.
Make a note of the tracking number so that you can track your sample back to the lab.
Return using the appropriate carrier (the return mailer will indicate the carrier).
More Resources
Test Information Pages
Other Resources
Collection Instructions
MycoTOX Profile - Mosaic Diagnostics
Test Details
Lab Company: Mosaic Diagnostics
Sample Type: Urine
Collection Location: At Home
The MycoTOX Profile measures a patient’s exposure to eleven different mycotoxins (toxins from mold) and makes recommendations for detoxification treatments.
•Do not collect your sample while menstruating.
•You will collect your sample upon waking.
•Freeze your sample before shipping.
•Your sample may only be shipped Monday through Thursday.
•Save the cardboard test kit box - you will use this to ship back your sample.
•If your practitioner has ordered Mosaic Diagnostics tests with multiple sample types, consult THIS DOCUMENT to determine the order in which you should collect your samples.
•DO NOT collect your sample while menstruating.
•Avoid taking the following items for 72 hours prior to collection.
Bentonite clay
Other binders
DO NOT discontinue any prescription medications without consulting your healthcare practitioner.
•Fasting is not required.
Fasting for 12 hours before collection may increase mycotoxin excretion.
•The day of collection:
You will collect your sample upon waking.
DO NOT eat or drink prior to collecting your sample.
•If you are taking mycophenolate mofetil (CellCept/Myfortic),
Online Registration
Check the box on the online test registration that states "Patient is taking mycophenolate mofetil."
Paper Form:
Go to page 2 of the test requisition form.
Check the box under "MycoTOX Profile."
1.Collect your first morning urine in the provided collection cup.
a.Collect prior to eating or drinking.
b.You will need a minimum of 10 mL for each urine test ordered.
2.Screw the collection cup lid on tightly.
3.Write the following information on the barcode stickers.
a.Your full name
b.Date of collection
c.Time of collection
4.Check the box "Check if Frozen" on the barcode stickers.
5.Place a barcode sticker on the collection cup.
6.Place the following items into the freezer.
a.Collection cup
b.Provided gel pack (lay it flat!)
7.The sample and gel pack should remain in the freezer for a minimum of 4 hours prior to shipping.
a.Keep them in the freezer until ready to ship.
b.Your frozen sample is only viable for 30 days after collection.
8.When you are ready to ship your sample, place the collection cup into the biohazard zip-lock bag along with the absorbent sheet.
9.Place the frozen gel pack and the sample into the silver thermo bag.
10.Place the silver thermo bag into the cardboard test kit box.
a.If the sample is not in the box, it will be rejected by UPS.
11.Place the completed test requisition form (if you did not register your kit online) into the box and close the lid.
•Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•Your sample must be frozen for a minimum of 4 hours prior to shipping.
•To prepare your sample for shipping,
Place the collection cup into the biohazard zip-lock bag.
Ensure the absorbent sheet is in the bag as well.
Place the frozen gel pack into the silver thermo bag.
Place the biohazard zip-lock bag into the silver thermo bag.
Place the silver thermo bag into the cardboard box.
Place the completed test requisition form (if you did not register your kit online) into the box.
Seal the cardboard box.
Place the cardboard box into the provided UPS Laboratory Pak.
Seal the Laboratory Pak.
•Make a note of your tracking number (found on the Return Label) so that you can track your sample back to the lab.
•Ship via UPS, Monday - Thursday only.
You can take your sample to the nearest UPS location.
DO NOT place your sample in a UPS drop box.
You can also schedule a UPS pickup by calling 1 (800) 742-5877.
Mycotoxins - Vibrant wellness
Test Details
Lab Company: Vibrant Wellness
Sample Type: Urine
Collection Location: At Home
The Mycotoxins test determines the presence of toxic mold exposure.
•Do not collect samples while menstruating.
•Do not drink more than 8 oz water 1 hour prior to urine collection.
•Use FedEx to ship samples back to the lab as soon as possible, Monday - Friday only.
•No supplements for 3 days
•No increased intensity in workouts than what you have normally done before for 3 days.
•No therapies for 3 days prior to testing. This includes; castor oil, sauna, and red light.
Do not collect samples while menstruating.
•Fasting is not required. However, fasting for 12 hours may increase the excretion of mycotoxins.
Please consult your healthcare practitioner prior to fasting.
•Do not drink more than 8 oz water 1 hour prior to urine collection.
1.Collect your first morning urine into the provided collection cup.
a.It is preferred to collect your sample prior to eating or drinking.
b.If you must drink something, drink less than 8 oz of water.
2.Open the specimen tube.
3.Use the pipette to transfer urine from the collection cup to the specimen tube.
a.Fill to the top of the tube label.
4.Recap the specimen tube tightly by pushing down and twisting slightly.
5.Discard the remaining urine and the collection cup.
6.Write your name, date of birth, and the date and time of collection on the tube label.
7.Place the specimen tube into the biohazard bag and seal it.
•Your kit has been prepaid. You do NOT need to pay anything extra.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•To prepare your samples for shipping,
Place the urine specimen tube into the biohazard bag.
Place the completed requisition form into the back pocket of the biohazard bag.
Place the biohazard bag into the provided return bubble mailer.
•Make a note of the tracking number on the included return label so that you can track your samples back to the lab.
•Return via FedEx as soon as possible, Monday - Friday only.
You can take your samples to the nearest FedEx location.
You can also visit or call 1-800-463-3339 to schedule a pickup of your samples.
Do not place your samples in a FedEx drop box.
More Resources
Neural Zoomer plus - Vibrant Wellness
Test Details
Lab Company: Vibrant Wellness
Sample Type: Blood Spot
Collection Location: At Home
Vibrant Wellness' Neural Zoomer and Neural Zoomer Plus analyze neurological autoantibodies to assist in diagnosing, understanding, and treating a variety of neurologically related diseases.
•These instructions apply to the following Zoomers: Neural Zoomer, Neural Zoomer Plus.
•Let the collection card dry for at least 2 hours before shipping.
•Ship samples via FedEx using the provided, prepaid mailer.
•Hydrate the day before your test.
•Collect your sample when you will have at least 15 minutes of uninterrupted time.
•If you are currently taking (or have recently taken) any of the following medications, consult your healthcare provider regarding the timing of collection.
Immunosuppressive medications
Biologic agents
Other immunomodulating medications
1.Write your name, date of birth, and the date and time of collection on the collection card.
2.Open the alcohol wipe.
3.Wash your hands with warm (not hot) water for at least 1 minute.
4.Dry your hands with a clean towel.
5.Rub your hands together and swing your arms to encourage blood flow.
6.Choose a finger on your non-dominant hand to poke.
7.Rub your chosen finger from base to tip.
8.In one single swoop, wipe the tip of your finger with the alcohol wipe.
9.Open the lancet by twisting the cap off.
10.Turn your palm up and press the lancet into the side of your chosen finger until you hear a click and feel a pinch.
11Wipe the first drop of blood away with the gauze pad.
12.Rub your finger from base to tip.
13.Allow a blood drop to form.
14.Let the blood drop fall from your finger into the collection circle.
a.DO NOT touch your finger to the card.
15.Fill the circle as full as possible with a single drop of blood.
a.DO NOT add a second drop of blood to a circle.
16.Fill in all of the collection card circles.
17.Use a gauze pad to wipe the blood off your finger and apply pressure.
18.Bandage your finger.
19.Leave the collection card open to dry for at least 2 hours in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
a.DO NOT add additional blood drops after the spots have dried.
b.The blood spots will darken as they dry.
20.Fold the collection card.
21.Place the collection card in the biohazard bag with the humidity indicator and silica gel packs.
22.Seal the bag tightly.
•Your kit has been prepaid. You do NOT need to pay anything
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•To prepare your samples for shipping,
Ensure the collection card has dried for at least 2 hours and is completely dry.
Place the collection card in the biohazard bag with the humidity indicator and silica gel packs.
Seal the bag tightly.
Place the biohazard bag into the provided, prepaid bubble mailer.
•Make a note of the tracking number on the included return label so that you can track your samples back to the lab.
•Ship your sample via FedEx.
More Resources
Organic Acids Test- Mosaic Diagnostics
Test Details
Lab Company: Mosaic Diagnostics
Sample Type: Urine
Collection Location: At Home
The Organic Acids Test (OAT) measures a variety of organic acids excreted in urine to provide a comprehensive overview of a patient’s overall health.
•Do not collect your sample while menstruating.
•Pause ALL supplements for 3 days prior to collecting sample.
•You will collect your sample upon waking.
•Freeze your sample before shipping.
•Your sample may only be shipped Monday through Thursday.
•Save the cardboard test kit box - you will use this to ship back your sample.
•If your practitioner has ordered Mosaic Diagnostics tests with multiple sample types, consult THIS DOCUMENT to determine the order in which you should collect your samples.
•DO NOT collect your sample while menstruating.
•If you are taking antibiotics, finish the course of medication and wait 14 days before collecting your sample.
•Avoid the following foods and supplements for 48 hours prior to collection.
Apples and apple juice and any product made from that fruit
Grapes (including raisins) and grape juice and any product made from that fruit
Pears and pear juice and any product made from that fruit
Cranberries and cranberry juice and any product made from that fruit
Avoid apple cider vinegar, apple pectin, wine, raisins for example
Reishi mushrooms
Ribose supplements
•The day of collection:
You will collect your sample upon waking.
DO NOT eat or drink prior to collecting your sample.
1.Collect your first morning urine in the provided collection cup.
a.Collect prior to eating or drinking.
b.You will need a minimum of 10 mL for each urine test ordered.
2.Screw the collection cup lid on tightly.
3.Write the following information on the barcode stickers.
a,Your full name
b.Date of collection
c.Time of collection
4.Check the box "Check if Frozen" on the barcode stickers.
5.Place a barcode sticker on the collection cup.
6.Place the following items into the freezer.
a.Collection cup
b.Provided gel pack (lay it flat!)
7.The sample and gel pack should remain in the freezer for a minimum of 4 hours prior to shipping.
a.Keep them in the freezer until ready to ship.
b.Your frozen sample is only viable for 30 days after collection.
8.When you are ready to ship your sample, place the collection cup into the biohazard zip-lock bag along with the absorbent sheet.
9.Place the frozen gel pack and the sample into the silver thermo bag.
10.Place the silver thermo bag into the cardboard test kit box.
a.If the sample is not in the box, it will be rejected by UPS.
11.Place the completed test requisition form (if you did not register your kit online) into the box and close the lid.
•Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•Your sample must be frozen for a minimum of 4 hours prior to shipping.
•To prepare your sample for shipping,
Place the collection cup into the biohazard zip-lock bag.
Ensure the absorbent sheet is in the bag as well.
Place the frozen gel pack into the silver thermo bag.
Place the biohazard zip-lock bag into the silver thermo bag.
Place the silver thermo bag into the cardboard box.
Seal the cardboard box.
Place the cardboard box into the provided UPS Laboratory Pak.
Seal the Laboratory Pak.
•Make a note of your tracking number (found on the Return Label) so that you can track your sample back to the lab.
•Ship via UPS, Monday - Thursday only.
You can take your sample to the nearest UPS location.
DO NOT place your sample in a UPS drop box.
You can also schedule a UPS pickup by calling 1 (800) 742-5877.
The OAT measures 76 organic acids from one easy to collect urine sample.
See full list of markers below:
HPHPA (Clostridia marker)
4-Cresol (C. difficile)
DHPPA (beneficial bacteria)
Homovanillic Acid (HVA)
Vanillmandelic Acid (VMA)
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic (5-HIAA)
Dihydroxyphenylacetic (DOPAC)
Methylmalonic (Vitamin B12)
Pyridoxic (Vitamin B6)
Pantothenic (Vitamin B5)
Glutaric (Vitamin B2-Riboflavin)
Ascorbic (Vitamin C)
(Vitamin Q10-CoQ10)
N-Acetylcysteine (Glutathione precursor and chelating agent)
Methylcitric (Vitamin H-Biotin)
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Salivary Hormones - Vibrant Wellness
Test Details
Lab Company: Vibrant Wellness
Sample Type: Saliva
Collection Location: At Home
The Salivary Hormones test provides a comprehensive assessment of sex and adrenal hormones.
•If you are a menstruating woman, you should collect your samples on specific days of your cycle.
•If you are taking hormones, you should collect your samples at specific intervals after dosing.
•Do not brush your teeth, eat, or drink anything but water for 2-3 hours before each saliva sample collection.
•Ship samples back to the lab as soon as possible.
•If you are a menstruating woman, collect samples on the days indicated below:
Regular cycles: For a 28-day cycle, collect on Day 19, 20, or 21 of your cycle.
Day 1 is the first day of your period.
Irregular cycles: Collect 5 days before your period begins.
Unpredictable cycles: Collect any day when not bleeding.
•If you are taking topical or oral (pill) hormones,
Do not take within 12 hours of sample collection.
•If you are taking sublingual or troche hormones,
Consult your healthcare provider. This test is not recommended for you, as these therapies may cause false salivary hormone results.
•If you have hormone patches, vaginal rings, hormone pellets, or injectable hormones,
Collect your samples halfway between doses.
•If you are using steroids, consult your healthcare provider regarding the timing of this test.
3 days prior to sample collection:
Avoid using any anti-aging products.
Avoid using vaginal hormones.
•For 2-3 hours prior to each saliva sample collection,
Do not brush your teeth.
Do not eat.
Do not drink anything but water.
•Open collection materials and have them ready the day prior to collection, as your first collection will occur immediately upon waking.
•You will collect samples at 4 points throughout the day.
Upon waking
Before lunch
Before dinner
Before bed
•If you miss a sample collection, collect at the appropriate time the following day.
Make sure to label the tube accordingly.
•For 2-3 hours prior to each saliva sample collection,
Do not brush your teeth.
Do not eat.
Do not drink anything but water.
COLLECTION 1: Upon Waking
1.Immediately upon waking, rinse your mouth with water.
Wait 5 minutes before collecting your saliva.
2.Put on disposable gloves.
3.Open the BLUE saliva tube.
4.Allow saliva to pool in your mouth.
5.Transfer your saliva into the BLUE tube.
The tube must be halfway full (excluding bubbles).
6.Cap the tube.
7.Label the BLUE tube with your name, date, of birth, and the date and time of collection.
8.Place the BLUE tube in the "Saliva Pack" bag.
9.Seal the bag.
10.Remove your gloves but do NOT throw them away.
11.Wash your hands.
COLLECTION 2: Before Lunch
1.Rinse your mouth with water.
Wait for 5 minutes before collecting saliva.
2.Put on disposable gloves.
3.Open the YELLOW saliva tube.
4.Allow saliva to pool in your mouth.
5.Transfer your saliva into the YELLOW tube.
The tube must be halfway full (excluding bubbles).
6.Cap the tube.
7.Label the YELLOW tube with your name, date, of birth, and the date and time of collection.
8.Place the YELLOW tube in the "Saliva Pack" bag.
9.Seal the bag.
10.Remove your gloves but do NOT throw them away.
11.Wash your hands.
COLLECTION 3: Before Dinner
1.Rinse your mouth with water.
Wait 5 minutes before collecting your saliva.
2.Put on disposable gloves.
3.Open the GREEN saliva tube.
4.Allow saliva to pool in your mouth.
5.Transfer your saliva into the GREEN tube.
The tube must be halfway full (excluding bubbles).
6.Cap the tube.
7.Label the GREEN tube with your name, date, of birth, and the date and time of collection.
8.Place the GREEN tube in the "Saliva Pack" bag.
9.Seal the bag.
10Remove your gloves but do NOT throw them away.
11.Wash your hands.
COLLECTION 4: Before Bed
1.Rinse your mouth with water.
Wait 5 minutes before collecting your saliva.
2.Put on disposable gloves.
3.Open the RED saliva tube.
4.Allow saliva to pool in your mouth.
5.Transfer your saliva into the RED tube.
The tube must be halfway full (excluding bubbles).
6.Cap the tube.
7.Label the RED tube with your name, date, of birth, and the date and time of collection.
8.Place the RED tube in the "Saliva Pack" bag.
9.Seal the bag.
10.Remove your gloves and wash your hands.
•Your kit has been prepaid. You DO NOT need to pay anything extra.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•Ship samples as soon as possible after collection.
•To prepare your samples for shipping,
Place all 4 saliva sample tubes into the "Saliva Pack" bag.
Seal the "Saliva Pack" bag completely.
Place the "Saliva Pack" bag into the return bubble mailer.
Place the completed test requisition form into the return bubble mailer.
Seal and attach the provided return shipping label.
•Make a note of your tracking number so that you can track your samples back to the lab.
•Ship via FedEx. You can schedule a FedEx pickup by calling 1-800-463-3339.
DO NOT place your samples in a FedEx dropbox.
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Tickborne 2.0 - Vibrant Wellness
Test Details
Lab Company: Vibrant Wellness
Sample Type: Whole Blood
Collection Location: In Lab (Phlebotomy Required)
Vibrant Wellness' Tickborne Panels measure antibodies to various tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease, to detect their presence and to assist practitioners in making diagnoses.
•Sample collection must be performed by a phlebotomist any day Monday-Friday.
More information on scheduling a blood draw can be found HERE.
You may need to pay an additional fee for phlebotomy.
•Fasting is not required.
•You must bring the test kit as well as the frozen ice packs to your blood draw appointment.
•Sample collection must be performed Monday-Friday only by a phlebotomist.
You can find a Vibrant Wellness-partnered phlebotomist HERE.
More information on scheduling a blood draw can be found HERE.
•Fasting is not required.
•Freeze the provided ice packs for at least 24 hours prior to your blood draw.
•Bring the frozen ice packs and test kit to your blood draw appointment.
I•f you are currently taking (or have recently taken) any of the following medications, consult your healthcare provider regarding the timing of collection. These medications can cause falsely low or high antibody results.
Immunosuppressive medications
Biologic agents
Other immunomodulating medications
1.Bring the test kit, frozen ice packs, and completed test requisition form to your blood draw appointment.
2.The phlebotomist will collect, prepare, and ship your sample for you.
Your test kit may come with more tubes than needed. Please have the phlebotomist check the collection instructions HERE and your test requisition form to determine the correct tubes to draw.
•Your kit has been prepaid. You may need to pay an additional fee for phlebotomy.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•Make a note of the tracking number on the included return label so that you can track your samples back to the lab.
•The phlebotomist will ship your samples back to the lab using the mailing materials included in the test kit.
•Please be sure to bring the frozen ice packs to your appointment to include in the shipping box.
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Total Tox Burden - Vibrant Wellness
Test Details
Lab Company: Vibrant Wellness
Sample Type: Urine
Collection Location: At Home
This panel combines Vibrant Wellness' Heavy Metals, Mycotoxins, and Environmental Toxins tests to evaluate the presence of toxins in your body.
•Do not collect samples while menstruating.
•You must avoid certain foods for 48 hours prior to urine collection.
•Do not drink more than 8 oz water 1 hour prior to urine collection.
•Use FedEx to ship samples back to the lab as soon as possible, Monday - Friday only.
•No supplements for 3 days
•No increased intensity in workouts than what you have normally done before for 3 days.
•No therapies for 3 days prior to testing. This includes; castor oil, sauna, and red light.
•Do not collect samples while menstruating.
•Avoid the following foods for 48 hours prior to collection.
Dairy products
Brazil nuts
Any other food high in iodine
Any other food high in selenium
•Fasting is not required. However, fasting for 12-24 hours prior to collection may increase the excretion of toxins.
Please consult your healthcare provider prior to fasting.
•Do not drink more than 8 oz water 1 hour prior to urine collection.
1.Collect your first morning urine into the provided collection cup.
-It is preferred to collect your sample prior to eating or drinking.
-If you must drink something, drink less than 8 oz water.
2. Open the specimen tube.
3. Use the pipette to transfer urine from the collection cup to the specimen tube.
-Fill to the top of the tube label.
4. Recap the specimen tube tightly by pushing down and twisting slightly.
5. Discard the remaining urine and the collection cup.
6. Write your name, date of birth, and the date and time of collection on the tube label.
7. Place the specimen tube into the biohazard bag and seal it.
•Your kit has been prepaid. You do NOT need to pay anything extra.
•Since you pre-paid for your tests, you do not need to fill in the payment information on any of these forms.
•To prepare your samples for shipping,
Place the urine specimen tube into the biohazard bag.
Place the completed requisition form into the back pocket of the biohazard bag.
Place the biohazard bag into the provided return bubble mailer.
•Make a note of the tracking number on the included return label so that you can track your samples back to the lab.
•Return via FedEx as soon as possible, Monday - Friday only.
You can take your samples to the nearest FedEx location.
You can also visit or call 1-800-463-3339 to schedule a pickup of your samples.
Do not place your samples in a FedEx drop box.
Individual Test Info Pages