Lyme Disease

Lyme disease stands as a genuine health epidemic in America, yet it regrettably lacks the widespread media attention and research funding it merits. Diagnosing Lyme poses a significant challenge for doctors due to its extensive symptoms, often resembling various other conditions. Individuals with Lyme may encounter symptoms that differ substantially from those of others grappling with chronic Lyme.

My Personal Lyme Battle

In chiropractic school, Dr. Jaban’s own health journey commenced with a sudden physical decline at the age of 25, leaving him baffled with no apparent cause. Over the following year, he sought answers from various doctors, grappling with fatigue, joint pain, and low testosterone. Despite consulting multiple doctors, he found little resolution. It was at a functional medicine conference that he connected with a doctor who suggested the possibility of Lyme disease. Following testing and further investigation, Dr. Jaban tested positive for Lyme, marking the beginning of his journey to understand and treat it. After consulting with several doctors and exploring various treatments, Dr. Jaban experienced relief and has remained symptom-free for over 10 years.

Lyme Disease Testing:

Lyme disease has a knack for hiding, making testing less than foolproof. When testing is wanted or needed, I recommend opting for the Tickborne 2.0 Panel by Vibrant Wellness.

Vibrant Wellness' Tickborne 2.0 Panel stands out as the inaugural test conducted on a silicon micro-array platform, offering unparalleled specificity and sensitivity in the industry for identifying tickborne diseases.

In the United States, prevalent tickborne diseases encompass Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Bartonella infections, Ehrlichiosis, Rickettsiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Lyme disease.

A blood sample is required for the test. Fasting is not required.

At The Redefining Wellness Center, we highly urge you to work with a practitioner when dealing with Lyme disease or Lyme co-infections. Click here to start your journey to work with us!

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Rashes • Fatigue • Fever • Joint Pain

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