Welcome To RWC!
Beginning on a path to full health and vitality can seem overwhelming, but we are here to help! If you are wondering where to start, we have created a foundational checklist of ideas for you to start implementing in your daily life!
Eat Organic Foods:
Over 5.6 billion pounds of pesticides are used worldwide on naturally-grown foods. Eating organic foods significantly reduces pesticide/glyphosate and toxic chemical ingestion. These toxicants are proven to cause and promote the pathogenesis of chronic illnesses. If affordability is a concern, eat the “dirty dozen” organically. The dirty dozen are foods that are most likely to carry pesticide residue. These foods include: strawberries, spinach, kale/collard greens/mustard greens, nectarines, apples, grapes, bell/hot peppers, cherries, peaches, pears, celery, and tomatoes.
Drink Clean Water:
170 million Americans are drinking radioactive water (radon, radium, uranium, cesium, etc.) that contributes to recurring infections, chronic fatigue, and poor mitochondrial health. Additionally, heavy metals (arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, etc.), chloroform, trihalomethanes, pharmaceutical residue, fluoride, and many more toxic substances are found within tap water supplies across the world. To find out what is in your local water supply, visit the EWG Water Database!
For drinking clean water, we recommend drinking distilled water with added electrolytes and trace minerals. Gallons of distilled water may be found at your local grocery store. Since the process of distilling water removes all substances within the water, it is necessary to re-add minerals for essential physiological functions. For remineralization, we recommend adding Celtic Sea Salt, Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops, or CT Minerals by Cellcore Biosciences (e-store).
If you are interested in purchasing a water distiller, visit https://mypurewater.com/. If you decide to purchase from My Pure Water, call 1-800-875-5915 and mention "Dr. Jaban Moore" to receive a discounted rate. We also have an alternative Berkey filter that removes greater than 99.999% of viruses and pathogenic bacteria, including protozoa, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, and pharmaceutical drugs.
Breathe Clean Air:
Mold is a major root cause for chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases. Once the body is exposed to mold, it suppresses the immune system, creates chronic inflammation, and enables other toxins and pathogens to easily enter the body.
Mold exposure is much more common than most people think as it is estimated that 50% of buildings have moisture problems/mold damage. Additionally, mold produces mycotoxins. These are naturally-occurring fungal toxins that are present in mold fragments and spores that may be ingested through air, food, and skin absorption. Mycotoxins are known to cause symptoms such as: chronic fatigue, insomnia, joint/muscle pain, brain fog, sensory abnormalities, neurological damage, mental disorders, changes in vision/mood, and gastrointestinal issues.
To test your home for mold, we recommend running an ERMI Test. This test can be used to estimate the levels and types of mold inside a property and is performed by collecting a dust sample. For a quality air filter, we recommend [affiliate?]
Also talk about other toxins in the home: cleaners, of gasing Link good cleaning products and Air Doctor affiliate
Focus on Emotional Health:
Traumatic experiences can manifest into symptoms in adulthood such as: depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but did you know that childhood trauma is associated with a 70% to 80% increased risk of adult hospitalization with an autoimmune disease?
Yup, that’s right! Research has shown that emotional trauma affects the limbic system, which is responsible for emotional responses. Because childhood trauma rarely occurs in isolation, the cumulative effect of multiple traumatic experiences continually activates the body’s stress response. This creates an environment where the central nervous system and endocrine system begin to dysfunction and increase the risk for chronic illnesses in adulthood. Biologically, stress affects the body at a cellular level. The two primary stress response systems include the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system. These systems work together to maintain homeostasis throughout times of chronic stress or during the activation of traumatic experiences; however, these systems may be stuck in a chronic stress loop if emotional trauma is not resolved within the body.
To begin resolving emotional trauma that may be suppressing your immune system, we recommend the following therapies:
Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS)
Gupta Therapy
Meditation & Vagus Nerve Exercises
Make Small Changes: It can be difficult to make these changes all at once. Start with what is easiest and most accessible for you. Continue to make changes when you are able to and continue to ask your doctor about what steps are beneficial for you.
A Catalyst for Chronic Illness
Mold is infamous for being a tremendous catalyst for chronic illnesses as it is capable of creating inflammatory reactions, activating infections that were once dormant, and designing an environment where autoimmune conditions can prosper. Mold, along with the mycotoxins they release, unleash chaos on the immune system by creating oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and dozens of so-called “random” symptoms such as hair loss, chronic fatigue, and neurological damage. It is estimated that 50% of buildings have moisture problems/mold damage. This poses extreme danger to both of your homes: your house and body.
According to a 2013 study, it was reported that 93% of observed patients with chronic fatigue syndrome were positive for at least one mycotoxin. This study states that exposure histories indicated current and/or past exposure to water damaged buildings in over 90% of cases.
Why Does Everyone React Differently to Mold?
Since all humans are bioindividual, a small exposure of mold may affect one person while another person is completely unaffected. For example, approximately 25% of the human population has the HLA-DR (human leukocyte antigen) gene that makes humans susceptible to mold illness. This gene creates this susceptibility by making the body unable to recognize and detoxify biotoxins. People with the HLA-DR gene hold onto these toxins while exhibiting a chronic inflammatory response.
If you are wondering if mold is a potential problem for you, speak to your practitioner about your concerns to develop an action plan and/or protocol. A Mycotoxin Panel may be ordered to test your body for mycotoxins. OAT Tests and blood work can also be beneficial for mold testing! Additionally, we recommend performing an ERMI Test on the home. This test can be used to estimate the levels and types of mold inside a property and is performed by collecting a dust sample. For a quality air filter, we recommend [affiliate?]
If mold is a concern for you, here is a list of additional tools and practices that may be beneficial for you:
-Open windows for at least 20 minutes per day for air circulation at home.
-Avoid mold cleaners with bleach as an ingredient as bleach can excite mycotoxins on porous surfaces.
-Utilize an infrared sauna (if accessible) as mycotoxins can be mobilized through sweating. Warm epsom salt baths may also promote sweating.
-Perform self-lymphatic massages as mold toxicities can create a sluggish lymphatic system.
-Use a dehumidifier in humid areas of the home (especially the basement) as mold can start to grow at 55% humidity.
Always speak to your practitioner about supplementation and testing interpretations for mycotoxins as each protocol is bio-individualized for your needs!
Oral health impacts overall health
For example, infected root canals can cause migraines, inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and more. Unattended wisdom teeth cavitations can cause chronic fatigue and hold lyme spirochetes. Mercury-fillings can cause neurological conditions and brain fog. Since the mouth is the beginning of the gastrointestinal tract, its own microbiome heavily impacts the gut microbiome. A poor oral microbiome can lead to a poor gut microbiome, creating an environment where food sensitivities, leaky gut, bloating, and other GI-based symptoms can arise.
Additionally, each tooth is connected to a meridian point. Meridian points are theorized in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to be energetic highways in the human body. Meridians allow for the flow of energy, known as Qi (pronounced “chee”), to circulate throughout the body. Meridians exist in corresponding pairs and each meridian has multiple acupuncture points along the pathway. For example, the bottom right wisdom tooth is linked to the small intestine. If there is a cavitation in this area, the small intestine may also be impacted. For more information, click here!
If your practitioner raises concern over your oral and dental health, it is strongly recommended to seek out a biological dentist to assess your needs. A biological dentist approaches dental care by assessing their patient's overall physical health to uncover potential underlying causes for certain oral issues with progessive testing and treatments (3D Cone Beam Scans, Ozone Therapy, Laser Technology, Mercury-Free Materials, etc.). To find a biological dentist in your area, visit the IAOMT Website (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology).
For general dental practices to promote oral health we recommend:
-Using a Tongue Scraper
-Oil Pulling
-Eating a Well-Balanced Diet with Fat-Soluble Vitamins (A, D, E, K2)
-Assessing Potential Infections, Root Canals, Cavitations, and Mercury-Containing Fillings with a Biological Dentist
If a painful experience or memory is not dealt with properly in the brain, it may transfer that pain to various body parts to create discomfort and disease.
The human brain is a complex network of 100 billion neurons that processes and organizes information from our daily lives. This organ encodes a person’s experiences and memories to simultaneously build a unique personality that is you! However, if a painful experience or memory is not dealt with properly in the brain, it may transfer that pain to various body parts to create discomfort and disease.
Truthfully, trauma is not “just in your head;” it leaves imprints on the body that changes the brain’s chemistry and interrupts normal biological processes such as digestion, sleep, stress responses, and more. Emotional and psychological trauma can be stored within the body, just like infections and toxicities. But, what happens if the symptoms a person is experiencing are stemming from a traumatic experience?
Can Too Much Stress Make You Sick?
The common notion that "too much stress makes you sick" is much more relevant than once thought. Because trauma is cellular and is held within the body, the molecular consequences of stress can transform into long-term disabilities like chronic illnesses, anxiety/depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Historically, humans have been taught to suppress emotions, attempt to move on from traumatic memories, and maintain a fast-paced lifestyle after traumatic experiences. However, without properly processing these experiences, untreated trauma can have a large impact on the future of a person’s health. In recent years, researchers have found that there is growing evidence that traumatic experiences changes brain chemistry. When a person undergoes a traumatic experience, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (the major stress responsive endocrine system) turns on the body’s fight-or-flight response which creates an emotional and physical state of survival. If a person is unable to calm the body’s fight-or-flight response, the heightened stress can manifest into physical pain, increase the risk for cardiovascular issues, and enable bacterial infections, viruses, and toxins to easily invade the body.
Essentially, this stress response is what catalyzes the process of storing trauma. If this response is in constant use due to high levels of stress, a person may experience “burn-out,” total exhaustion, high blood pressure, mitochondrial dysfunction, systemic inflammation, immunosuppression, the formation of debilitating symptoms, and diseases. Due to the disruption of the immune system, this also makes it easier for opportunistic infections to invade the body. This includes Lyme, disease, mold toxicities, parasitic infections, and more.
For example, following a traumatic experience, the microbiome changes. The amount of "bad" bacteria in the gut increases while the amount of “good” bacteria decreases. This directly affects over 100 million neurons that produce GABA, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and endorphins that are crucial for mental clarity, reduction of anxiety, and stress management. This creates a perfect environment to create gut disorders and food sensitivities that may lead to larger, more systemic conditions.
To begin resolving emotional trauma that may be suppressing your immune system, we recommend the following therapies:
-Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
-Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
-Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS)
-Gupta Therapy
-Meditation & Vagus Nerve Exercises
Water is our life force
The human body is composed of 60% water. Unfortunately, many water supply systems are full of contaminants that have the ability to cause mitochondrial damage. Since every person’s toxin bucket is different, water quality may affect one person while another is seemingly unaffected.
170 million Americans are drinking radioactive water (radon, radium, uranium, cesium, etc.) that contributes to recurring infections, chronic fatigue, and poor mitochondrial health. Additionally, heavy metals (arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, etc.), chloroform, trihalomethanes, pharmaceutical residue, fluoride, and many more toxic substances are found within tap water supplies across the world. To find out what is in your local water supply, visit the EWG Water Database!
Distilled Water
For drinking clean water, we recommend drinking distilled water with added electrolytes and trace minerals. Gallons of distilled water may be found at your local grocery store. Since the process of distilling water removes all substances within the water, it is necessary to re-add minerals for essential physiological functions. For remineralization, we recommend adding Celtic Sea Salt, Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops, or CT Minerals by Cellcore Biosciences (e-store).
If you are interested in purchasing a water distiller, visit https://mypurewater.com/?sld=64.
Just like there is no perfect diet, there is no perfect water! Distilled water with re-added electrolytes and minerals is the most beneficial water practice we have seen clinically. If accessing distilled water is an issue, consuming spring water or reverse osmosis water and purchasing a water filter may be beneficial for you to reduce your toxic burden!
Food is our fuel
It energizes our cells, strengthens muscles, gives us essential vitamins & minerals, assists in keeping our immune system healthy, and more! Eating nutrient-dense foods is important for fighting off infections and for creating a strong body that is capable of being resilient, adaptable, and balanced.
At our clinic, we do not prescribe long term diets. Oxalate-free, low-histamine, dairy-free, etc. may be used to help your body heal from specific infections and toxicities as these substances can inflame the body in certain scenarios. However, no matter what “diet” you subscribe to, it is beneficial to eat organic foods. If affordability is a concern, eat the “dirty dozen” organically. The dirty dozen are foods that are most likely to carry pesticide residue. These foods include: strawberries, spinach, kale/collard greens/mustard greens, nectarines, apples, grapes, bell/hot peppers, cherries, peaches, pears, celery, and tomatoes.
Additionally, if you struggle with food sensitivities, GI tract conditions, or any symptom that creates a less optimal relationship with food, it is important to change your perception of food. While this may be difficult, acknowledging that your body is using food as an alarm system is important!
170 million Americans are drinking radioactive water
Radioactive elements produce the type of radiation called “ionizing” because it can release electrons from atoms and molecules and turn them into ions. Ionizing radiation damages DNA. Many of the contaminants found in public drinking water sources occur naturally. For example, radioactive radium and uranium are found in small amounts in almost all rock and soil, and can dissolve in water. Radon, a radioactive gas, created through the decay of radium, can also naturally occur in groundwater. If it is not removed, radon in water can be released into the air as you shower or use water for other tasks like washing dishes or doing laundry.
Radioactive elements are also found in the ground near nuclear power plants. If a person lives downstream or in the jetstream wave to a nuclear power plant, there may be radioactive elements in that area. Although they are naturally-occuring, when they are in large deposits, it can impact a person’s health. For example, recurring candida infections can be due to radioactive element toxicity.
A great way to measure a person’s radioactive elements and heavy metal levels is through a HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis). With this information on this test, we can measure the amount of toxic elements within the body and create a plan for removing them from the body.