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The adrenal cocktail, a specialized drink, focuses on vitamin C, sodium, and potassium. These critical nutrients play pivotal roles in maintaining optimal adrenal function and ensuring our bodies receive the vital elements necessary for sustained energy.
Adrenal cocktails can be great for anyone with adrenal issues, such as adrenal fatigue, and they may provide immediate symptom relief in those with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and dysautonomia. They are also great for post-sauna, post-workout, and for beating the summer heat!
Adrenal Cocktail Recipe:
1/2 Cup or more of Organic Orange Juice (for Vitamin C)
1/4 - 1/2 Tsp. of Cream of Tartar or 1/2 Cup Organic Coconut Water (for Potassium)
1/4 - 1 /2 Tsp. of Celtic Sea Salt (for Sodium)
Buffer with fats to prevent a glucose spike from Orange Juice with 1/4 Cup of Organic Full Fat Coconut Milk
Add 1 Tbsp of Grass-fed Collagen Peptides for protein and gut + skin health (only add if you are not having issues with histamine)
If orange juice is unable to be used, squeeze 1/2 of a lemon in 1 cup of coconut water and use the rest of the recipe as stated.
A great tool to help mix this drink is actually a handheld electric frother, it may be purchased here for about $10.
Click here for the full AIP diet guide with a full food list and list of recipes!
The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is an elimination diet that aims to reduce inflammation, pain, and other symptoms caused by autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), celiac disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Certain foods are believed to increase the gut’s permeability, thereby increasing the likelihood of leaky gut. The AIP diet focuses on eliminating these foods and replacing them with the health promoting, nutrient-dense foods that are thought to help heal the gut, and ultimately, reduce inflammation and symptoms of autoimmune diseases.
The dietary component of AIP basically consists of two phases: Elimination and Reintroduction.
You are allowed to eat whenever you are hungry!
You must ONLY eat from the list of allowed foods.
Learn to read ingredients.
You are allowed to eat food with high fiber content, such as vegetables and low glycemic fruits (as much as desired).
Eat foods with essential fatty acids such as olives, olive oil and fish.
Eat frequently throughout the day to maintain blood glucose levels.
No fasting (raises cortisol levels) unless instructed otherwise.
Stay hydrated and drink plenty of pure filtered water.
Prepare food ahead of time & make sure you have food available.
Have a support group.
Strict AIP is meant to be temporary.
The complete avoidance of restricted foods cannot be overemphasized. Even small snacks or bites of the listed inflammatory foods can create an immune reaction in the intestinal membranes that may last for several days and compromise the successful outcome of this protocol. This (Autoimmune Protocol) AIP diet is supposed to be a short/medium term diet while working on eradicating toxins or infections that are driving the body’s inability to properly process foods.
After fully eliminating the listed foods for 30-90 days (dependent upon your protocol) with measurable improvement in symptoms from your previous symptoms lists and/or lab results, you may enter the reintroduction stage. Ideally, this diet aims to provide relief to your autoimmune disease symptoms. At the end of the reintroduction stage, you will have a diet that is individualized, sustainable (both practically and socially), and nutrient-dense. It should be the least-restrictive diet that gives you the best health.
The Elimination phase is NOT meant to last forever. Reintroduction is just as important as elimination to the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP).
Select a food to reintroduce from the stages chart below.
Start with 1/2 teaspoon or less and wait 15 minutes. If there are reactions, stop.
If there are no reactions, eat 1 full teaspoon and wait 15 more minutes. If there are reactions, stop.
If there are no reactions, eat 1.5 teaspoons and wait two–three hours. If there are reactions, do not go any further.
If there are no reactions, eat a normal portion of the food and wait 3–7 days to introduce another food. Do not reintroduce any other foods and track reactions during this time. (Many reactions could indicate a potential food sensitivity, but the most obvious is a return of your autoimmune symptoms.)
If there are no reactions different from your improved baseline after the AIP elimination phase, that food can be brought back into your diet and you can begin another reintroduction.
Be aware that you may find food is tolerated when you eat it occasionally, but not when eaten regularly.
The date & name of the food you are attempting to reintroduce (from the stages of reintroduction list below)
Time when you attempted 1/2 tsp. of the food and your reactions
Time it was when you attempted 1 tsp. of the food and your reactions
Time it was when you attempted 1.5 tsp. of the food and your reactions
Time it was when you attempted a normal serving of the food and your reactions
Reactions on Day 2
Reactions on Day 3
Reactions on Days 4-7 (if you decide to take extra time between reintroductions)
Coffee (on an occasional basis)
Egg yolks
Fruit and berry-based spices
Legumes (only including the beans with edible pods)
Legume sprouts
Nuts and seeds (only the oils at first)
Seed-based spices
Alcohol (in small quantities, think 5 oz. of wine)
Coffee (daily basis)
Egg whites
Nuts and seeds (whole, flours, and butters, including cashews, pistachios, & chia seeds)
Grass-fed Dairy
Lentils, split peas, garbanzo beans
Nightshades (only eggplant, paprika, sweet peppers, peeled white potatoes)
Alcohol (in larger quantities, think 2, 5 oz. glasses of wine)
Nightshades (all remaining, including unpeeled white potato)
Other gluten-free grains
Other legumes
White rice
If a food or food group does not appear in the four stages, it indicates that you may want to avoid that food long-term due to its negative impact on those with autoimmune diseases and due to their overall negative health consequences for the majority of the population.
For example, gluten is likely to contribute to further immune stimulation for all with autoimmune disease, while processed vegetable oils, food chemicals and additives, and refined sugars and non-nutritive sweeteners, are harmful for everyone.
This diet is meant to decrease inflammation and provide a healthy, nourishing "diet" at the end of the protocol!
Click HERE for the PDF version with the full food list and list of recipes!
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
Block fasting is a type of intermittent fasting where you divide your day into specific blocks of time for eating and fasting. The most common approach is the 16:8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8-hour window. During the fasting period, you consume no calories but can have water, herbal tea, or black coffee without sugar or cream. Block fasting can help with weight management, improve insulin sensitivity, and promote overall health.
Block fasting for 72 hours is a form of intermittent fasting where you abstain from consuming any calories for a continuous period of 72 hours. During this time, you only consume water, herbal tea, or black coffee without any added sugars or creamers. The purpose of this extended fasting period is to promote various health benefits, such as cellular repair, improved insulin sensitivity, potential weight loss, mental clarity, and resetting eating habits.
Autophagy: Extended fasting has been associated with increased autophagy, a cellular repair process that removes damaged components and promotes overall cellular health.
Insulin Sensitivity: Prolonged fasting may improve insulin sensitivity, which can be beneficial for individuals with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.
Mental Clarity: Some individuals report increased mental clarity and focus during extended fasting. This can be attributed to various hormonal changes that occur in the body during fasting.
Resetting Eating Habits: A longer fasting period can help reset eating habits and promote mindful eating. It provides an opportunity to reflect on food choices and break unhealthy patterns.
Pre-Fast Preparation: Before starting a 72-hour fast, it's crucial to adequately prepare your body. Gradually reduce your calorie intake in the days leading up to the fast. Focus on consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods to ensure you're getting sufficient nutrients before entering the fasted state.
Begin the Fast: Once you're prepared, begin your 72-hour fast. During this period, you'll refrain from consuming any calories while still staying hydrated. Stick to consuming water, herbal tea, or black coffee without any added sugars, creamers, or artificial sweeteners.
Stay Hydrated: Hydration is key during extended fasting. Drink plenty of water throughout the 72-hour period to stay hydrated and help minimize feelings of hunger. Aim to drink at least 8-10 cups of water per day, or more if you feel thirsty.
Electrolyte Balance: Maintaining proper electrolyte balance is important during extended fasting to support bodily functions. Consider adding a small amount of salt (preferably sea salt or Himalayan salt) to your water or consuming electrolyte-rich beverages to replenish minerals.
Rest and Relaxation: During a 72-hour fast, it's essential to prioritize rest and relaxation. Allow yourself to conserve energy and avoid excessive physical exertion. Engage in activities like gentle stretching, meditation, or light walking to promote relaxation.
Break the Fast Gradually: When the 72 hours are over, it's important to reintroduce food gradually. Start with small, easily digestible meals to give your digestive system time to adjust. Opt for nutrient-dense foods such as vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
Ladies, do NOT block fast while mensuration or while pregnant!
Click here for the full PDF version of this guide!
The Body Phase aims to move impurities from higher concentrations to lower, thus preparing the body is crucial before the purification of the brain. In the body phase, you will take methylation support to the next level, achieve liver enterohepatic circulation cycle cleansing, enter the first level of intracellular cleaning, and support the mitochondria. Body Phase is a 30-day, multi step supplement protocol.
Body Phase is a very effective protocol so it is important that drainage pathways are open prior to starting. We always do our best to ensure this during our time working with clients. Some common symptoms during Body Phase may include:
Increased Brain Fog
Skin Rashes
These symptoms are often due to mobilizing toxins and moving them out of the tissues. These toxins can cause uncomfortable symptoms as they make their way out of the body. Let your practitioner know if you are experiencing these or other unusual symptoms. These often indicate that your body needs a little extra drainage support from herbs, hydration, binders, or external therapies.
In the breakdown on the following page, you will see HMET binder listed. This is a strong binder that targets heavy metals and environmental toxins. The body phase protocol does NOT automatically include HMET binder, but we often use it in conjunction with Body Phase. If HMET is not listed next to Body Phase protocol in your session notes, please omit or confirm with your Practitioner!
NOTE: When you open the box, remove the tab!
For 30 days take the packets as instructed:
Morning Packet with breakfast
Evening/afternoon packet with dinner
Nighttime Packet just before bed 2 hours away from food, medications, & other supplements
On days 1-7 and 15-21:
With morning packet take 1 HMET binder from Cellcore
With evening packet take 1 HMET binder from Cellcore
To purchase the Body Phase click HERE.
Click here for the full PDF version of this guide!
The ultimate goal of the Brain Phase is to nourish and cleanse the brain and nerve tissue by using fat-soluble “true binders.” The Systemic Formulas Brain Phase allows deep cleansing of the cell and binds impurities for safe elimination. In addition, giving intracellular and neuronal antioxidant support, and multi-mineral support for optimal brain health. Brain Phase is a 30-day, multi step supplement protocol. Brain Phase can aid in detoxing from heavy metals and other toxins that tend to accumulate in the fat tissues of the brain.
As a multi-phase program, Brain Phase can be confusing. Here is a thorough breakdown of how to take the Brain Phase. In this breakdown, you will see HMET binder listed. This is a strong binder that targets heavy metals and environmental toxins. The brain phase protocol does NOT automatically include HMET binder, but we often use it in conjunction with Brain Phase. If HMET is not listed next to Brain Phase protocol in your session notes, please omit or confirm with your Practitioner!
Brain Phase is a very effective protocol so it is important that drainage pathways are open prior to starting. We always do our best to ensure this during our time working with clients. Some common symptoms during Brain Phase may include:
Increased Brain Fog
Skin Rashes
These symptoms are often due to mobilizing toxins and moving them out of the tissues. These toxins can cause uncomfortable symptoms as they make their way out of the body. Let your practitioner know if you are experiencing these or other unusual symptoms. These often indicate that your body needs a little extra drainage support from herbs, hydration, binders, or external therapies.
As a multi-phase 30 day program, Brain Phase can be confusing. Here is a thorough breakdown of how to take the Brain Phase. In this breakdown, you will see HMET binder listed. This is a strong binder that targets heavy metals and environmental toxins. The brain phase protocol does NOT automatically include HMET binder, but we often use it in conjunction with Brain Phase.
If HMET is not listed next to Brain Phase protocol in your session notes, please omit or confirm with your Practitioner!
NOTE: DO NOT open the box but remove tabs on side.
For 30 days take the packets as instructed:
Phase 1: Days 1-7
Morning: Take 2 HMET, 1 “Morning Packet” & 1 “Brain Cleanse Packet” with Breakfast.
Evening/afternoon: Take 2 HMET, 1 “Evening Packet” & 1 “Brain Cleanse Packet” with Supper.
Nighttime: Take 1 ”Nighttime Packet” just before bed. Take at least 2 hours away from other nutritional supplementation and/or prescription medications. The nighttime packet is pure activated charcoal and must be taken away from other foods and supplements, due to its indiscriminate binding qualities.
Phase 2: Days 8-14
Morning: Take 1 “Morning Packet” with Breakfast.
Evening/afternoon: Take 1 “Evening Packet” with Supper.
Nighttime: Take 1 ”Nighttime Packet” just before bed. Take at least 2 hours away from other nutritional supplementation and/or prescription medications.
Repeat Phase 1: Days 15-21
Repeat Phase 2: Days 22-30
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
A castor oil pack is a piece of wool or a cloth soaked in castor oil and is applied to the skin. The cloth may be cotton flannel or other dense material that can soak the oil. People use castor oil packs for digestive issues, upper right quadrant pain, and to assist in liver detoxification.
Castor oil packs work by diffusing the castor oil (which contains ricinoleic acid) into the tissues, which stimulates lymphatic flow and reduces inflammation via the Peyer’s patches (small masses of lymphatic tissue). By stimulating lymphatic flow, your digestion and elimination can be enhanced. It also stimulates peristalsis through the PGE3 receptors in smooth muscle, encouraging digestion and increased stools. This increased circulation helps bring nutrients to the affected site, and wash waste products away, which increases the speed of tissue healing and regeneration.
You can purchase the castor oil pack bundle that we recommend here. This particular kit is much easier to apply and wear (the cloth has ties that hold it up around one's abdomen) than other options. It also contains organic cold-pressed castor oil in a glass bottle, which is important as fats absorb BPA and other similar toxins when stored in plastic bottles.
Apply about 2 tbsp. of cold-pressed organic castor oil (from a glass bottle only) on the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, where the liver sits.
Apply the cloth flannel or purchased pack on top of this area. If desired, a heating pad or hot water bottle may be used on top of the pack for deeper absorption. This can be performed anywhere from 15 minutes to overnight.
Sensitive people may want to start slow with under 15 minutes of usage. If tolerated, continue adding time onto usage. Ideal usage is 30-60 minutes.
You can reuse the same pack anywhere from 2-3 months, as long as you apply new oil (1 tbsp.) with each use.
The less oil that is used, the less it needs to be washed. After the initial recommended use of 2 tbsp. of oil, adding 1 tbsp. for every use after that will help the castor oil pack from wearing out sooner than it should.
You can wash it in your dishwasher or you can soak it in hot water with baking soda overnight, then wash with a non-toxic dish soap, and blot any excess oil with an old cloth and lay it flat to dry. The more you wash it, the sooner it will wear out. Waiting at least 3 weeks in between washes will help your pack to last longer.
Have a towel nearby in case of spillage, castor oil can stain!
Do NOT use castor oil packs when pregnant as castor oil has labor inducing qualities.
Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to perform a coffee enemas > then use this guide below alongside it.
To purchase the items you will need to perform a coffee enema click here or here.
The guide listed above is for an adult, but it applies to children as well. However, for children there are some other tools for helping the coffee enema go more smoothly.
While in some cases enemas may be necessary, please make sure you have exhausted all other options before insisting that your child do an enema. If you can get around having to do a coffee enema, that is always good to try first. Enemas may cause the child to feel afraid and uncomfortable, so building trust with your child around the process is important as well.
A couple of things to keep in mind:
Electrolytes and minerals may be depleted when doing coffee enemas, so coffee enemas should always be balanced by replenishing both electrolytes and minerals. Remineralize with electrolytes such as Concentrace Mineral Drops, Celtic Sea Salt, and/or CT Minerals by Cellcore. Our e-store password is “drjaban” to be able to access the CT minerals.
A variety of coffee is appropriate for use, ranging from gold, green and white, to light and medium roasts. Dark roasts are not appropriate because the potent compounds have been roasted out. Gold, green or white beans are very potent, with light to medium roasts typically well-tolerated by most. We like Purity Coffee (use code DRJABAN20 for 20% off your 1st order) or PureLife Coffee.
You’ll want to set up a nice, cozy area for the child to do the coffee enema. The key is to create a safe space to facilitate the enema as well as guiding them through the process in a way that builds trust with the child.
Set up an iPad where they can watch a show or even allow them to play a video game on a phone if that is possible.
Using a fitted sheet to wrap the child in as they lay can help the child to feel safe and secure as well.
You’ll want to start with a warm distilled water enema and slowly work up to a coffee enema, starting with a small amount of coffee (approximately 1/2 tbsp per quart of water) and gradually increase the amount as the child progresses with enema tolerance.
Adding in a little organic unsulphured blackstrap molasses to the coffee mixture may help with boosting retention. And be sure to leverage the height of the enema bucket to control the speed of the water as well.
Should you need to have your child do a coffee enema, here is a video that can help guide you through the process.
Enema Bag/Bucket with hose, clamp, & tip
Click here for an enema bucket kit. Click here for an enema bag kit.
Coffee Grinder (if needed)
2-4 Cups of Purified Water
2-4 Tablespoons of Organic Ground Coffee Beans - we like Purity Coffee (use code DRJABAN20 for 20% off your 1st order) or PureLife Coffee for enemas
Dish Soap/Hydrogen Peroxide
Optional: 1 Tablespoon of Organic Unsulfered Blackstrap Molasses
Add 2-4 tablespoons of freshly-ground organic coffee beans to 2-4 cups of boiling water. Allow the water to cool to body temperature, testing with your finger or thermometer.
After cooling, strain the coffee so no grounds are present. Assemble the enema bag or bucket and pour the coffee in. Make sure the clamp on the hose is closed prior to pouring the coffee.
Make a comfortable spot on the floor or in the bathtub by laying an old towel beneath you for comfort and incase of a leak. Hang the bucket several feet above where you are laying to allow gravity to release the coffee. The higher it is hung, the faster the coffee will be released.
Prior to inserting the enema, release the clamp to let out any excess air in the enema tube. This will significantly reduce any air bubbles in the enema tube from going into your body.
When ready, lay on the floor with your back with your knees bent or flat on the floor, you may even lay on your right side. Grease the tip of the enema with coconut oil or a natural lubricant and gently insert it into the rectum.
Open the clamp, allowing the coffee to flow. Turn on your right side to help the coffee drain into the liver. Use the clamp to adjust the flow rate of the coffee until you feel comfortable. If the coffee is flowing too quickly, you may partially or fully close the clamp until you are ready to continue.
Once the enema bag is empty, close the clamp. You may remove the tip from your rectum, or leave it in place. Start a timer, try to hold the solution for 15 minutes before expelling into the toilet.
Once finished, clean the enema bag thoroughly with hot, soapy water. Additionally, allow hydrogen peroxide to run through the tubing. Store once fully dry.
Do not worry if you are unable to hold the coffee in for 15 minutes. You may only be able to hold the enema for a few minutes at first. It is a process that takes time to work up to. Alternatively, if you are having a hard time holding in the coffee, add 1 tablespoon of organic unsulfered blackstrap molasses. If necessary, divide the enema solution into 2 parts to use consecutively.
It is most effective to do a coffee enema when bowels are clear, such as after a recent bowel movement. Alternatively, you may use a plain water enema to clean out the colon prior to administering the coffee enema.
You may lay on your right side or try different positions, such as turning to the left side, massaging the abdomen in a clockwise motion, or bringing the knees to the chest.
You may experience pressure in your abdomen build up then release. This is your gallbladder dumping toxic bile to be released when you expel the coffee. If the pressure is intense, pant like a dog to relax the diaphragm and stimulate release. If the urge to expel is overwhelming, do not strain or resist.
Too many coffee enemas can be depleting, so only do them as often as advised. Remineralize with electrolytes such as Concentrace Mineral Drops, Celtic Sea Salt, and/or CT Minerals by Cellcore. Proper hydration is crucial, so drink plenty of purified water, herbal teas, or coconut water before and/or after doing a coffee enema.
If you feel nauseous after a coffee enema, you may have stirred up too many toxins than the body was ready to handle. To prevent this, take a binder, such as Biotoxin Binder or HM-ET Binder by Cellcore with plenty of water (as per your practitioner). If you cannot tolerate this, we recommend Activated Charcoal for quick relief.
You'll want to try a water enema. Water enemas are not aggressive as coffee enemas. Many people like to do a 5-10 minute water enema prior to their coffee enema so they can clear their bowels before their coffee enema.
If you (or your child) are not comfortable with doing a coffee enema yet, start slow with a water enema.
Enema Bag/Bucket with hose, clamp, & tip
Click here for an enema bucket kit. Click here for an enema bag kit.
2-4 Cups of Purified Water
We recommend 2-4 cups of body temperature or slightly warmer distilled water to be placed in your enema bag/bucket. Make sure the clamp on the hose is closed prior to pouring the water.
Make a comfortable spot on the floor or in the bathtub by laying an old towel beneath you for comfort and incase of a leak. Hang the bucket several feet above where you are laying to allow gravity to release the coffee. The higher it is hung, the faster the coffee will be released.
Prior to inserting the enema, release the clamp to let out any excess air in the enema tube. This will significantly reduce any air bubbles in the enema tube from going into your body.
When ready, lay on the floor with your back with your knees bent or flat on the floor, you may even lay on your right side. Grease the tip of the enema with coconut oil or a natural lubricant and gently insert it into the rectum.
Open the clamp, allowing the water to flow. Turn on your right side to help the water drain into the liver. Use the clamp to adjust the flow rate of the water until you feel comfortable. If the water is flowing too quickly, you may partially or fully close the clamp until you are ready to continue.
Once the enema bag is empty, close the clamp. You may remove the tip from your rectum, or leave it in place. Start a timer, try to hold the solution for 5-10 minutes before expelling into the toilet.
After you have expelled the water enema, you may start your coffee enema.
Follow the steps on page 1-3.
What is the purpose of coffee enemas?
The purpose of the coffee enema is not to clear out the intestines, but the quart of water in the enema stimulates peristalsis in the gut. A portion of the water also dilutes the bile and increases the bile flow, thereby flushing toxic bile (loaded with toxins by the glutathione S-transferase enzyme system) out of the intestines.
Who was the originator of coffee enemas?
Coffee enemas were originally created by Dr. Max Gerson, who founded the Gerson Therapy technique.
How often should I perform coffee enemas?
We generally recommend 1-3 coffee enemas per week. The frequency depends on your sensitivity level, detoxification status, and symptoms.
Can I use binders with coffee enemas?
You can use binders before or after your coffee enema. We generally recommend before!
Can coffee enemas make you feel sick?
Just like any protocol, it is possible. But if you follow our tips, you will likely not feel sick. If you do, decrease the amount of coffee in your enema and increase the amount of electrolytes you consume after your enemas. Please talk to your practitioner for more guidance!
Click here for the full PDF version of this guide!
Mindset and emotional work are two vital components of the healing process that are often ignored in chronic illness protocols. Even if you’ve done everything right — you’ve opened your drainage pathways, cleared out parasites, detoxed heavy metals and chemicals, cleaned up your diet, and followed the proper lifestyle tools — you still need to work on healing your mind and your spirit.
If you’ve been chronically ill for some time, or if you’ve suffered acute traumatic experiences while being sick, it’s likely a limbic system impairment could be holding you back from optimal wellness.
Your limbic system is a grouping of structures in your brain that are responsible for your fight or flight response, survival behaviors, emotions, memory, autonomic response, and many other things. It involves parts of your brain like the amygdala, hippocampus, cerebellum, hypothalamus, and cerebrum. It’s less important that you know what each individual area does and more important that you understand how it works as a whole, and what you need to do to get back on track.
I’ll warn you that retraining your limbic system is not a simple, overnight task. It requires dedication, time, and mental fortitude.
Many people find buying and following a specific program is very helpful, as the steps and plan are clearly laid out. Especially if you’re dealing with a limbic system impairment, cognitive function, brain fog, neurological symptoms, anxiety, depression, and fear are common. A program makes it simple in this regard, because it’s comforting and takes away the guesswork.
The most popular program amongst clients is called the Dynamic Neural Retraining System. This program was developed by Annie Hopper, and has been used for a wide range of cases, including Fibromyalgia, POTS, Lyme disease, panic attacks, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, mold toxicity, food sensitivities, and more.*
Can be done from home (no traveling)
Supportive online forum community
Clear steps and an easy-to-follow layout
Large commitment (an hour a day for 6 months)
Slow progress likely
This system begins with education on neuroplasticity, which basically means that if your brain can change one way (from healthy to anxious with a mal-adapted stress response, for example) that it can change back. The neurons in your brain can “rewire” back together and reorganize their connections through cortical remapping. This is great news, because however poorly your brain, limbic system, and stress response is functioning now, there is hope!
In this system, you’ll watch a series of DVDs where Annie Hopper tells her story about her own health journey (she had to live completely alone on a houseboat away from her family due to very severe sensitivities), as well as the steps you need to take to recover. This includes not only a daily practice of steps, which you’ll learn in the program, but also stopping and recognizing negative thoughts and mindset.
You’ll learn to get out of the victim loop and focus on the positive: healing.
You can purchase the full program here.
Other tips for retraining your limbic system:
Ask your friends and family to stop mentioning your health while you heal. This reinforces the fact that you’re sick, and you want to break out of that pattern as you heal your brain.
Focus on gratitude. Keep a daily journal!
Visualize very positive memories. For neurons to rewire, they need to fire at the same time, but a positive emotion will help lock in the change quickly.
Stop writing down your symptoms. I know the inclination is to continue to track every single thing, trying to figure out what you did or ate or took to cause it.
Try other supportive therapies, like EFT tapping or EMDR.
Laugh! Try to watch funny shows or videos. Avoid negative or scary videos while healing. Fake it if you have to.
Click here for the full PDF version of this guide!
Dry brushing is exactly what it sounds like… brushing the skin while it is dry, usually before a shower, in a particular pattern with a dry brush that is made from natural, firm bristles.
What is the purpose for dry brushing?
Dry brushing is an excellent supportive practice that helps to improve lymphatic circulation by brushing in a pattern that coincides with the natural pathways of lymphatic fluid, as well as helps to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells from the skin. This is an extremely helpful tool when beginning any protocol because it helps with opening up detoxification pathways by encouraging lymphatic fluid to circulate so it can excrete toxins from the body.
Other benefits of dry brushing:
decreases cellulite
improves circulation
cleanses pores
removes dry skin
decreases wrinkles
improves energy
decreases swelling
helps with scar healing
*Use a dry brush with natural, firm bristles like the one in our e-store.
Dry brushing steps:
Start at the feet, brush the bottoms of the feet and up legs in long, smooth strokes. Brush up toward the heart/chest area where lymph drains.
Repeat the same process with the arms, starting with the palms of the hands and brushing up the arm toward the heart. Again, brush each section of skin about 10 times.
Stomach and armpits: brush in a circular clockwise motion
Repeat the process on the back.
Brush each section about 10 times.
Shower after dry brushing then use lotion or oils to moisturize.
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
read the full guide
EFT “Emotional Freedom Technique” tapping is a modified acupressure technique that can help balance the nervous system, and calm anxiety and pain. It can be done easily, quickly and anywhere. EFT tapping focuses on meridian points, applying fingertip tapping pressure. Most people utilize tapping to calm the nervous system, often focusing on a specific fear or feeling, and then tapping to bring balance back. Tapping can be used for something as simple as calming the brain and body after a busy hectic day, or even helpful for reprocessing traumas and fears.
According to, “The basic technique requires you to focus on the negative emotion at hand: a fear or anxiety, a bad memory, an unresolved problem, or anything that’s bothering you. While maintaining your mental focus on this issue, use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times each on 9 of the body’s meridian points.
Tapping on these meridian points – while concentrating on accepting and resolving the negative emotion – will access your body’s energy, restoring it to a balanced state. According to Dr. Dawson Church, ‘Acupoint tapping sends signals directly to the stress centers of the mid-brain, not mediated by the frontal lobes (the thinking part, active in talk therapy).’ Because EFT simultaneously accesses stress on physical and emotional levels, he adds, ‘EFT gives you the best of both worlds, body and mind, like getting a massage during a psychotherapy session.’ In fact, it’s EFT’s ability to access the amygdala, an almond-shaped part of your brain that initiates your body’s negative reaction to fear, a process we often refer to as the ‘fight or flight’ response, that makes it so powerful.”
When the amygdala is triggered by physical, emotional or other stressors, it sets off the body’s alarm systems, including stress hormones like cortisol. Tapping can help calm this physical manifestation of stress. Chronic episodes of stress can be incredibly depleting to the body, and EFT tapping encourages resilience to stress, and a calm, balanced nervous system.
We know that trauma, anxiety and fear are absolutely intertwined with the physical body and nervous system. Tapping works beyond the frontal lobes of the brain, where conscious thought happens, and accesses deeper parts of the brain.
Here is a helpful video by The Tapping Solution to familiarize you with the basics of EFT tapping! In standard EFT tapping, nine meridian points are used as tapping points. These include:
The eyebrow
Under the eye
Side of the eye
Under the nose
On the chin
Under the arm
Top of the head
Karate Chop point (Under the little finger along the side of your hand)
After identifying the issue, stressor, etc., rotate tapping a few times on each of these points, while repeating a positive affirmation. Tapping should be done with light but steady pressure, using 2, 3, or 4 fingertips at a quick and consistent tempo.
Acknowledge the issue in a factual way, and notice how it makes you feel emotionally and physically. For example, “Even though I’m feeling stressed, overwhelmed and inadequate in my relationships…”. Take notice of what you feel in your body. Tension? Heat? Heart palpitations? Nausea? Dizziness? Then, think of a positive affirmation that describes how you want to feel. This can be something like, “I am safe”, or “I accept and love myself”, “I let go of tension and worry”. Breathe deeply and visualize exhaling your concerns and stress.
This process will be different for everyone, but try to think of it as a formula: “Even though” (acknowledge the issue/negative cognition and feelings) + positive affirmation and state your goal. There are many online tutorials that will guide you through tapping for stress and anxiety. As you get more familiar with how to use tapping, you can further personalize the practice. It is a learned skill, so don’t worry if you feel scattered and unsure at first!
A tapping session can last anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes, depending on your situation and how many rounds you complete.
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
The Elemental Diet consists of predigested forms of macronutrients, no lactose or fiber, and vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes sufficient to meet the recommended dietary allowances. This diet is composed of easily digestible liquid and/or powder formulas to provide essential nutrition for those combating severe gastrointestinal issues.
The elemental formulas are meal replacement powders/liquids that contain an adequate daily caloric intake. The “predigested” nutrition is easily absorbed in the upper digestive tract, allowing the lower digestive tract to rest and recover from illness or injury. Elemental diet liquids contain nutrients in an easily digestible form. Typical formulations include:
Essential and non-essential amino acids
Glucose (an easily digested carbohydrate)
Vitamins (fat- and water-soluble)
Small amount of fat (less than 1%)
Elemental diets are almost totally absorbed in the small intestine. They provide dietary components in ready-to-assimilate form, without the need for digestion, thus bypassing the requirement for pancreatic and biliary secretion. This diet is meant to assist in gut healing and allow the gastrointestinal tract to rest.
An elemental diet is strictly made up of specialized powder formulas that are only to be consumed when mixed with water. No solid food is permitted on this diet. The formulas may be administered by drinking the liquid and are meant to be done for a short period of time (typically 2-8 weeks).
Oftentimes, this diet is prescribed and overseen by a medical professional. They choose a type of elemental diet formula and ensure that the caloric and nutrient needs of the individual patient are met.
There are cases of semi-elemental diets where the patient is given a portion of their daily needs through elemental formulas and the rest through solid foods. This option may be used to prepare a person for a complete elemental diet, to ease out of an elemental diet, or to give the gastrointestinal tract a break from constantly digesting.
The use of elemental diets have been widely used for the management of various inflammatory gastroenterological diseases, food allergies, and gastrointestinal bacterial overgrowth. Those who struggle with the following symptoms or conditions may benefit from an elemental diet:
Crohn’s Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD/IBS)
Nutritional deficiencies
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE)
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Since these formulas are powder forms that are mixed into water, there are no food particles needed to be broken down in the gastrointestinal tract - this will reduce inflammation.
There are no prebiotics in the formula to feed unwanted bacteria.
The protein is not needed to be processed in the gut as it comes in the form of amino acids.
The gut is able to rest and regenerate as the formulas are healing and restoring.
Most elemental diets contain the amino acid l-glutamine. This amino acid aids in healing leaky gut syndrome.
Add ice to the blender for a smoothie-like experience.
Store shakes in the refrigerator - cool shakes taste the best.
Add MCT oil to the shakes - this is allowed! MCT oil is a component of elemental formulas and may help create fullness.
Make a few meals worth of shakes a time to cut time making them.
Plan to support your gut health when the elemental diet is over with whole foods, probiotics, leafy greens, minerals, etc.
Medical supervision is advised for those following an elemental diet for more than 2 weeks.
After you are finished with the elemental diet, start introducing light foods slowly. Some people do a semi-elemental diet for 1-7 days before introducing all meals as solid foods. If you jump back into eating heavy solid foods immediately, this may end in a temporary uncomfortable stomach!
If you are still suffering from gastrointestinal issues post-diet, it is important to consult a practitioner for further healing.
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic approach used to help people who have experienced trauma, distressing events, or emotional difficulties. It aims to alleviate the emotional distress associated with traumatic memories and enable individuals to process and heal from these experiences. Here's a simplified explanation of how EMDR works:
Assessment: The therapist first evaluates the your history and identifies specific distressing memories or events that are causing emotional distress or trauma-related symptoms
Desensitization: During EMDR therapy sessions, your therapist asks you to recall the traumatic memory while focusing on it. This is done in a safe and controlled environment.
Bilateral Stimulation: The unique aspect of EMDR involves the use of bilateral stimulation, which can be in the form of rapid eye movements, tapping, or auditory cues. You follow these bilateral movements or cues while concentrating on the traumatic memory.
Processing: As you focus on the memory and follows the therapist's instructions for bilateral stimulation, the goal is to allow the brain to process the memory differently. This can lead to a reduction in the emotional distress associated with the memory.
Reprocessing: With repeated sessions, the distressing memory is gradually reprocessed in a way that makes it less emotionally charged. This can lead to a decrease in symptoms like anxiety, nightmares, or flashbacks that are often associated with trauma.
Installation of Positive Beliefs: In later stages of EMDR, your therapist may help the client develop and strengthen positive beliefs and attitudes to replace negative ones associated with the trauma. This can contribute to a more positive outlook on life.
Closure: Your therapy sessions continue until the distressing memory no longer causes significant emotional distress. You and your therapist work together to ensure that the traumatic memory is no longer disruptive to the individual's daily life.
EMDR is a structured and evidence-based therapy that has been used effectively to treat various forms of trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as other emotional and psychological difficulties.
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
Taking an Epsom salt bath can be relaxing and therapeutic. The magnesium sulfate in Epsom salt can be absorbed through the skin during a bath, and can support the body's natural detox processes. The warm water opens pores, allowing for the potential elimination of toxins through sweat. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory properties of magnesium may help reduce inflammation. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
Warm water
Gather Supplies: Collect Epsom salt and ensure you have access to a bathtub.
Run Warm Water: Fill your bathtub with warm water. Ensure that the water temperature is comfortable, not too hot to avoid skin irritation.
Add Epsom Salt: Pour the recommended amount of Epsom salt into the running water. Generally, for a standard-sized bathtub, adding 1 to 2 cups of Epsom salt is sufficient. Follow the instructions on the Epsom salt packaging for more precise measurements.
Dissolve the Salt: Swirl the water with your hand to help dissolve the Epsom salt.
Optional Additions: If you'd like, you can enhance your bath experience by adding a few drops of essential oils (such as lavender or chamomile) for aromatherapy benefits, but do NOT do this if you are ultra sensitive!
Soak and Relax: Once the Epsom salt is dissolved and the bath is ready, step into the tub and soak for at least 15-20 minutes. Relax, breathe deeply, and let the Epsom salt work its magic.
Rinse Off: After your soak, rinse off in a shower to remove any residue. Pat yourself dry with a towel.
Hydrate: Drink a glass of water after your bath.
If you have any health concerns or skin conditions, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before taking Epsom salt baths.
Don't use extremely hot water, as it can be harsh on the skin and may negate the relaxing effects of the Epsom salt.
What if I don’t have access to a bath tub?
An Epsom salt foot bath involves soaking your feet in warm water mixed with Epsom salt. If you do not have a bath tub, you may do a small epsom salt foot bath. These foot baths do not have the same full body benefits as a full body bath, but they are relaxing and can help reduce inflammation.
To enjoy an Epsom salt foot bath:
Gather Supplies: Collect Epsom salt and a basin large enough for your feet.
Warm Water: Fill the basin with warm water. Ensure it's comfortable, not too hot.
Add Epsom Salt: Pour 1/2 to 1 cup of Epsom salt into the warm water. Stir to dissolve.
Soak Your Feet: Submerge your feet in the water, ensuring the Epsom salt dissolves fully.
Relax and Soak: Relax for 15-20 minutes. You can enhance the experience by adding essential oils for aroma.
Dry and Moisturize: After soaking, pat your feet dry and apply moisturizer.
An Epsom salt foot bath can help soothe tired feet, reduce swelling, and promote relaxation.
The ERMI (Environmental Relative Moldiness Index) test measures the amount and types of mold in a building. It involves collecting dust samples, analyzing them in a lab, and calculating an ERMI value. The ERMI value indicates the level of mold compared to other buildings.
By assessing mold levels with the ERMI test, WE can integrate mold exposure into your overall treatment strategies. Plus, the ERMI can help identify potential mold problems in advance, allowing for preventive measures or interventions to mitigate mold exposure and minimize health risks.
Unlike other types of mold testing that usually require a mold inspector, the ERMI test can be conducted by YOU! The only task that needs to be performed is collecting dust samples.
Use the instructions from your ERMI kit - you can purchase your ERMI test here.
1) Deep clean your home 4-6 weeks in advance. This will allow us a more accurate picture of the health of your home. So, deep clean all surfaces, under furniture, ceiling fans, vents, etc.
2) To ensure accurate results, please use only the provided dust cloth from the sampling kit. When collecting samples, it is important to minimize contact with the cloth by wearing the disposable gloves included in the kit.
3) Swipe at least 10 areas within the home or workplace you wish to test. Remember to wipe in a single direction only and avoid scrubbing back and forth or using a circular motion.
4) Please swipe the provided dust cloth on various surfaces within your home or office to gather dust from different areas. Suitable areas can include tops of interior door frames, entertainment centers, shelves, dressers, nightstands, among others. The goal is to collect a representative sample from the entire space for a comprehensive analysis. However, do not sample bathrooms, laundry rooms, or kitchens.
It's important to note that you should not sample directly from visible mold sources, such as mold spots on walls. Plus, avoid sampling areas that are rusty, visibly dusty from clay, or covered in drywall dust resulting from construction, repairs, or new builds.
Steer clear of areas near stoves, heaters, or other high heat sources as samples from these areas can interfere with the testing process.
Do NOT swab near your HVAC vent or any vent with forced air. Although your other instructions from Envirobiomics say it is suitable, we do not recommend this.
5) Before the test, ensure that the indoor area being tested is undisturbed for at least 48 hours. This allows the mold spores to settle and provides a more accurate representation of the mold levels. So, make sure windows are closed and air purifiers have been off for 48 hours prior to the test.
Plus, you will ONLY want to get dust samples from places that have 4-6 week old dust.
6) Once you have swiped at least 10 areas, carefully fold the Swiffer cloth containing the collected dust. Place the folded cloth inside the provided Ziploc bag and securely zip it closed. It is important to ensure that the cloth is visibly dirty, indicating a change in color from white to gray, as this ensures an adequate sample for testing. If the cloth does not appear visibly dirty, continue swiping in additional areas until the cloth shows sufficient dirt accumulation.
To identify the sample easily, please write your full name on the Ziploc bag before sealing it. This helps ensure proper identification during the testing process.
7) Please fill out the provided Chain of Custody (CoC) form included in the kit. Once the form is completed, return both the sample and the completed Chain of Custody (CoC) document.
After you send out your ERMI test, your results will be sent to your practitioner and you through Practice Better. You and your practitioner will go over your ERMI test results to answer your questions and/or create a treatment plan!
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
Fasting is a voluntary period of abstaining from food and, in some cases, drink for a specified duration. It is a practice that has been observed for various reasons, including religious, health, and weight management purposes. Fasting allows the body to rest from digestion, and during this time, the body may use stored energy sources, like glycogen and fat, for fuel. There are different types of fasting, such as intermittent fasting, water fasting, and extended fasting, each with its own rules and benefits.
Blood sugar regulation
Decrease inflammation
Prevent neurodegenerative disorders
Boosts metabolism and can help with weight loss
Increase growth hormone
Increase hormone regulation and sensitization (if done properly and if suited for you)
Improves detoxification
After 3 days, the immune system “resets”
Intermittent Fasting (IF):
IF means that you have a fasting window of 16-18 hours with an eating window of 6-8 hours per day. If 16 hours is too much, build up from your nightly fast from dinner to breakfast. Then add 30 minutes to 1 hour each day until you’ve reached your desired window.
24 Hour Fasting:
24 hour fasting means that you will stop eating after dinner one day and start eating at the same time the next day. For example, if you ate dinner at 6pm and started your fasting, you’d fast until 6pm the next day.
Water, celtic sea salt water, black coffee, tea (no sugar or calories)
Bone broth (if recommended and if you don’t have histamine issues)
Fat (if recommended) such as MCT oil or fat bombs
Supplements that don’t have calories and are suitable for an empty stomach
Carbs, sugar, and protein (snacks, meals, beverages with calories)
Do not fast during menstruation or while pregnant
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
Detox Reaction
Die-Off Reaction
Herxheimer Reaction (“Herx”)
A detox reaction can occur when you are utilizing detox therapies, supplements, or are supporting your body’s natural detoxifying abilities. Opening drainage pathways during the beginning of a protocol may cause a detox reaction. It is almost like opening the floodgates after years of having a stagnant drainage system. It’s necessary, but can be uncomfortable at first. If this is the case, slow down on supplementation.
Detox reactions may also occur when taking too much detoxification support. If the body cannot keep up with a detoxification protocol, it may react. Going slower with your detox protocol as needed will ease detox reaction symptoms.
If you’re on an antimicrobial supplement and symptoms flare up as you build up your tolerance or dosage (and if they continue the longer you are on it), then you are likely not doing enough drainage, binding, and detox work to eliminate the pathogens and pathogenic byproducts that are being killed/released. This is also referred to as a "herx" reaction.
Many people experience undesirable symptoms when their body is clearing pathogens. This is a fairly normal part of the process, but there are steps that can be taken to help you manage! Our goal is to mitigate and reduce the amount of these reactions.
If you are on a detox protocol with supplements such as Cellcore products, Para 1, 2 or 3, you can add more supportive detox support supplements such as binders, TUDCA, KL-Support, Lymph Activ, and/or increase the dosage as the practitioner recommends. In some people, these can cause more reactions, so listen to your practitioner to see if these supportive supplements are for you.
Other supportive tools include: rebounding, coffee enemas, castor oil packs, dry brushing, infrared sauna, epsom salt baths, and drinking plenty of water.
However, sometimes overusing these tools can cause too much detox as well. Binders may be used to help grab any toxins that are being mobilized when using these tools. If using these tools are making die-off symptoms worse, back off. Certain external therapies can liberate a lot of toxins at once, contributing to flares.
A great example is coffee enemas, which can cause the gallbladder to purge. The gallbladder is a hotspot for stored toxins. For some people, liberating all of these toxins in the gallbladder can cause reactions like nausea, digestive upset and headaches. There is a balance between supporting drainage and also managing the speed at which we remove toxins. This will be different for each person, and we would love to help you find your balance!
Incorporating practices to calm the nervous system is another tool that can be very helpful in managing flare ups! Sometimes when the nervous system is already taxed, starting a protocol can aggravate it further. This is a common problem for those with a history of trauma or mold exposure. It may lead to symptoms like trouble sleeping, anxiety, trouble digesting, fatigue, or increased food reactivity.
We like to incorporate things like EFT tapping (click the link) and breathwork. We like to utilize the 478 breathwork pattern.
Here's how to practice 478 breathwork:
Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose for a count of 4.
Hold your breath for a count of 7.
Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth for a count of 8.
Repeat this pattern several times, at least three to four cycles, or until you feel more relaxed and centered.
Neurofeedback, binaural beats, meditation, and walks in nature help calm your body and brain. This can help you to be more resilient towards stressors and toxins.
The key is to strive for a balance of killing, binding, and eliminating in a way that makes symptoms manageable while also continuing to lower your toxic load and eradicate pathogens. If you are experiencing moderate flares during your protocols, stay encouraged- many people have some level of increased discomfort on their way to feeling better.
This will pass, and we’re here for you every step of the way.
FODMAP is an acronym for “fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols." These are a group of short-chain carbohydrates that ferment in the gut. They also feed gut bacteria, which is great for a healthy gut. However, when gut bacteria is imbalanced, these carbohydrates can cause bloating, diarrhea, and other unwanted digestive symptoms. A low-FODMAP diet avoids foods with these types of carbohydrates in them.
A low FODMAP diet consists of avoiding foods that are high in fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols. Avoiding these foods for a period of time aims to reduce digestive symptoms by starving the bacterial overgrowth. A low FODMAP diet has been shown to significantly decrease symptoms of IBS, SIBO, and other bacterial overgrowth symptoms. A low-FODMAP diet is a tool that should only be used for a temporary period of time in order to address the root cause of the digestive symptoms. It is often used in conjunction with healing protocols.
SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth)
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Digestive symptoms such as: Constipation, Diarrhea, Abdominal Cramping, Gas, Nausea, Acid Reflux/Heartburn/GERD, etc.
Replace high FODMAP foods with low FODMAP healthy fats, good quality protein, leafy greens, & low-sugar fruits like berries and citrus fruits.
When reintroducing FODMAP foods, start slowly & reintroduce by group.
Consult your practitioner about how long to follow a low FODMAP diet, and for assistance in the reintroduction process.
Search the internet for more lists of high FODMAP foods.
Read the rest of the guide for the low FODMAP food list, recipes, and resources > click here!
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
Everything in nature has cycles. One of these cycles is the full moon. The full moon plays a huge role in parasite cleansing because it is when parasites reproduce and are highly active.
Our circadian rhythm is also affected by the full moon cycle, making our body produce more serotonin and less melatonin. Melatonin is the neurotransmitter that helps you sleep and helps control your immune system. With lower levels of melatonin, your immune system does not fend off parasites as well.
Parasites love serotonin as it stimulates muscles and allows them to move about more freely in your body. It also helps them to reproduce and get stronger as it increases their ability to feed. Another way they use serotonin is to communicate with each other and to create biofilms in your body so that they can evade the host’s immune system. This combination of less melatonin and more serotonin is the perfect combination for parasites to cause issues.
If you have a heavy parasitic infection load, you may feel unwell around the week of the full moon.
Any of the following symptoms may indicate a parasite issue: feeling depressed, feeling anxious, craving sugar, unable to sleep, having increased levels of pain in your body, having any GI issues such as diarrhea, constipation, or bloating, having general weakness and fatigue, or grinding one’s teeth.
The full moon kit is designed to “clean house” by taking advantage of the increase in activity in a way that draws parasites out of the body through one’s stool. The supplements in this kit were designed to scrub the intestinal walls and target the parasites using herbals in a way that helps kill and eliminate parasites that might otherwise be a little harder to pass during other moon phases.
Para 1: Consists of Mimosa Pudica Seed, which becomes a gelatinous, sticky gut scrubber when combined with water. It deep cleans the intestinal tract by pulling out toxins, heavy metals, biofilms, and other unwanted elements. To see how it does this, click here.
Para 2: This is a multi-herb blend specifically designed for powerful immune and digestive support. These herbs and BioActive Carbons create a potent, yet tolerable solution to target pathogens.
Para 3: This herbal combination, which comes in a tincture form, works on many pathogens as well.
Biotoxin Binder: This works systemically, not just in the gut. It binds to and helps remove biological toxins, such as any die-off toxins from parasites.
Make sure all detox and drainage pathways are open. Beware that parasite cleansing can cause some constipation, so making sure you are using the bathroom regularly is crucial. Coffee enemas are highly recommended when parasite cleansing as well. Choose your dosing challenge based on what your practitioner has selected for you. There are 3 different challenges. Listen to your body. You may want to lower doses if you feel the products are too intense, especially Para 3.
The intermediate and advanced challenges are not recommended for anyone who is brand new to parasite cleansing. Jumping into high doses may cause strong herx reactions. Your body may not be able to clear out the die-off from your drainage pathways quickly enough. This can lead to a back up of toxins which will increase your symptoms. You need to get a few months of parasite cleansing under your belt before engaging in the intermediate and advanced challenges.
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
Welcome to Redefining Wellness Center! We’re so excited that you’ve joined our family and we look forward to helping you achieve healing.
She works alongside our practitioners to ensure that you are fully supported during your plan of care and answer any and all questions you may have about your protocol.
Health Coaching Appointments are a time for you to bring up any concerns or questions you have. You will assess and discuss how your body is handling the protocol, gaining insight into what your symptoms are telling us and how you can support yourself with the use of food, herbs, therapies, binders, and other healing modalities.
Laura will not be able to make changes to the active plan of care that you’ve created with your practitioner, but will be a crucial part of helping the protocols work well with your body.
While any major protocol changes will need to be approved by the practitioners, Laura can provide support and options for drainage supplements and binders, which may help mitigate or alleviate negative reactions. In major cases, Laura will be able to check with the practitioners and update you ASAP.
Some examples of questions that can be answered by the Health Coach:
“I started my protocol 5 days ago, and since then have had intestinal cramping and some loose stools. Is there anything I can do?”
“I’ve had a lot of trouble sleeping recently. I just feel like my brain is racing and it’s very hard to get my body to calm down, even though I feel exhausted”
“I want to exercise but my body doesn’t tolerate it well. What are some good options for me?”
“Should I be taking a multivitamin?”
“I always get nauseous and dizzy in the sauna- what can I do?”
“Finding non-toxic hygiene and home products is so overwhelming. I need clean shampoo, soaps, dishwasher and laundry detergents, makeup, menstrual care products and surface cleaners that work, but don’t include harmful chemicals. Are there products you recommend?”
“My body feels stressed all the time, I would love to feel calm and grounded. Any suggestions?”
“I’m confused about X supplement on my protocol- what is it and how will it support me?”
These are a few, but not all, of the questions that she can answer or help you talk through!
Here are a few examples of topics you will likely discuss together during your appointment:
‘Have you experienced any changes or increased symptoms since adding in X supplement(s) or starting your protocol?’
If yes, you’ll discuss options to alleviate discomfort. These often include slowing down on your protocol, increasing drainage supports and/or binders, incorporating nervous system work to calm the body and brain, and utilizing external therapies such as castor oil packs.
Sometimes we add in support or change your protocol, while other times, it is best to hold steady and give your body time to adjust. Many factors are taken into account when deciding on a game plan, and we value your input!
The conversation around your drainage pathways will be ongoing throughout the course of treatment to ensure everything is functioning as expected, and troubleshoot as needed.
Are your bowels moving regularly?
Are you experiencing any changes in bowel movements?
Any increased symptoms such as headaches, skin breakouts or rashes, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, body pain, anxiety, or changes in appetite?
Are you able to sweat?
Tell me about your water/mineral intake.
Do you experience discomfort when consuming high fat meals?
How is your digestion?
How did you feel after trying X supplement, food, or therapy?
These questions help you and Laura assess areas that are weak and/or need some support! We’ll provide advice on how to optimize these systems with food, supportive supplements, daily practices, and products that have worked well for our team and clients (i.e. blue light blockers, magnesium lotion, etc.)
(Examples: menstrual pain, skin irritation, GI issues, changes in bowel movements, feeling anxious, trouble sleeping, leg cramps, headaches, bloating and gas pains, dizziness when standing, swelling, food reactions, body pain, etc.)
Every client comes to us with existing symptoms, so we want to hear which of these are affecting you most and suggest ways to support you through them while we get to the root cause. If you experience new or increased symptoms in response to a protocol, Health Coaching appointments are a helpful opportunity to understand and address these.
“What do you feel is the most difficult symptom that you’re experiencing right now?”
“When did this start?”
“What has helped this, if anything, and what has made it worse?”
“Is there anything you would like to discuss trying in an effort to improve this?”
“Have you noticed any patterns?”
We believe that symptoms are your body’s way of communicating. Gathering an idea of the context around a certain symptom helps us know how best to support you!
Clients are often recommended to a specific diet to fit their needs while working with us. Low oxalate, low histamine, and gluten free diets are common, while other clients are directed towards a less specific, whole foods/organic diet. Carnivore and animal based diets are sometimes indicated.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with a certain diet, struggling to know where to start or what foods to focus on, Health Coaching is a great resource.
Nutrition is one of the most individual factors imaginable, so suggestions will be different for each person, depending on what you need, and how much time is available. Nutrition conversations include advice on:
Eating to support healthy hormones and blood sugar (macronutrient balance)
Food sourcing
Options for filling in “nutrient gaps” found during your conversation with Laura
Options for clean meat and produce delivery if needed
Healthy fats
Foods to avoid for optimal health
Supportive foods for your situation, concerns and symptoms
Meal strategies to make eating less overwhelming and more nourishing
Meal ideas and recipes
Referral to helpful resources such as recipe blogs and compilations
Meal timing
Specific brands that we love for nourishing, on the go foods
Foods and nutrients to include based on the symptoms that your body exhibits
Herbal supports
Cyclical eating for menstruating women
Ways of eating to support those with an irritable or sensitive GI tract
The brain and body are undoubtedly connected. If you have a history of trauma or highly stressful life events or times, addressing it could be the missing step in feeling better! We often suggest nervous system work, but what does this look like?
Health Coaching appointments are a time for you to share your thoughts, concerns and questions around nervous system work, and get some advice on where to start.
Which modalities should you try first?
If you feel like your body is stuck in fight or flight, which therapies should you look into to unravel past trauma and help your body to feel safe?
“What improvements have other people like me experienced when doing X therapy?” (i.e. EMDR, Neurofeedback, Primal Trust, Tapping, etc.)
“I experienced something that wouldn’t be labeled ‘traumatic’ but I feel that it still affects me- do I need nervous system work?”
“I want to start helping my nervous system feel safe, but I have very limited time. What should I try?”
“How long does it take to ‘fix’ my nervous system?”
“I’ve tried talk therapy to work through traumatic events, but my body still feels on edge and in danger all the time. Is this normal and is there anything I can do?”
If you have a history of past or present trauma, you can share as much or as little as you feel comfortable. Either way, there is so much you can do to heal!
Again, any and all questions are welcome. Chances are that another client has experienced what you’re going through, and you’re not the first to ask about it! Our team members have also learned much from their personal health struggles and are always eager to share what has helped them and others.
PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR THE PDF VERSION OF THE GUIDE! The PDF version offers a comprehensive food list, recipes, and crucial tips for eating low histamine.
Below is a snippet of the full guide.
Histamines are chemicals that play an important role in regulating physiological functions in the body. They are involved in the health of our immune and digestive systems, and help neurological functions. While our body’s naturally produce this chemical, it can also be found in food.
Some people are less tolerant of histamine for various reasons - our goal is to use this diet as a therapeutic tool throughout your protocols. Being intolerant of histamine means that too much of it is in your body. When this happens, the body is not able to properly and effectively metabolize histamines. When histamines levels are too high or when the body cannot break them down properly, it can affect normal bodily functions.
Some foods naturally have higher histamine contents. Aged foods and leftovers also accumulate histamines as they age. Dried, aged and fermented foods typically have the highest levels of histamines.
Due to this, it is recommended to eat freshly-made foods when consuming a low-histamine diet.
A low histamine diet limits the consumption of histamines from food sources. This can reduce systemic inflammation, relieve gastrointestinal symptoms, and other reactions caused by a histamine intolerance. This diet is therapeutic and is often used in conjunction to healing protocols.
Since a low histamine diet involves cutting out certain foods, you will need to make sure you still have a nutritious balance in your diet, otherwise you will miss out on some vitamins and minerals that are very important...
CALCIUM: Dark Leafy Greens, Broccoli, Wild-Caught Seafood, Grass-Fed Meats, Grass-Fed Butter
HEALTHY SATURATED FATS: Grass-Fed Butter, Grass-Fed Meats, Pasture-Raised Chicken Eggs
IRON: Grass-Fed Meats, Pasture-Raised Eggs, Wild-Caught Fish
MAGNESIUM: Dark Leafy Greens, Pumpkin Seeds, Almonds, Grass-Fed Butter, Wild-Caught Seafood
OMEGA-3S: Olive Oil, Wild-Caught Salmon and Mackerel (must be fresh),
PHOSPHORUS: Almonds, Broccoli, Pasture-Raised Eggs
VITAMIN B12: Grass-Fed Beef Liver, Grass-Fed Beef, Wild-Caught Salmon, Fresh Tuna
ZINC: Grass-Fed Meat, Wild-Caught Seafood, Pumpkin Seeds
Always read the list of ingredients to find out whether a food contains incompatible ingredients.
Meals from a restaurant are often poorly tolerated.
Leftovers and overripe fruit may be high in histamines.
People with a histamine intolerance react in a multitude of different ways. For example, tiredness/fatigue, skin issues/hives, fevers/temperature regulation issues, dizziness, gastrointestinal discomfort, facial swelling, allergy-like symptoms, etc. are common symptoms.
You may notice a small amount of nuts are included in low-histamine recipes. Everyone is bio-individual. Some may react to some of the nuts listed, but others may not. Pay attention to your body and if your body reacts.
Overtime, as the histamine levels in the body have reduced, gut health has improved, inflammation has reduced, liver function has improved, and adrenals are stabilized… more histamines will be tolerated.
Our goal is to replace foods. As you take foods out that are High Histamine, make sure you are replacing them with high nutrient, low histamine foods.
If you are just starting out on a low histamine diet, here are the top foods to begin eliminating:
Fermented alcoholic beverages: wine, champagne, beer, whiskey, etc.
Fermented foods: sauerkraut, vinegar, soy sauce, kefir, yogurt, kombucha, etc.
Soured foods: sour cream, sour milk, buttermilk, soured bread, etc.
Balsamic Vinegar and Vinegar foods: pickles, mayonnaise, olives, ketchup
Cured meats: bacon, salami, pepperoni, luncheon meats and hot dogs
Aged cheese (including goat cheese)
Smoked fish, anchovies, and sardines
Beef (aging process increases histamine)
Rotisserie chicken (sitting in the store all day raises histamine levels)
Smoked or processed meats: salami, bacon, ham, sausage
Dried fruit: apricots, prunes, dates, figs, raisins
Uncooked egg whites (histamine liberator)
Visit the following links for low-histamine and low-oxalate recipes: CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE.
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
The first step in any detoxification protocol is to get digestion moving. Exercise, eating habits, age, and health status all affect the number of bowel movements you experience in a given day.
If you are not having at least 1-3 bowel movements per day, this means that you are not properly removing the toxins that are dumped from the rest of the body into the gut to be eliminated in the stool. The optimal stool transit time (the amount of time that is between putting food in the mouth until it comes out the other end) is 18-24 hours. Slow transit time is associated with constipation.
Cause of Constipation:
Eating Too Much Fiber Without Enough Water (this can have a constipating effect)
“Holding it” (the longer a bowel movement is delayed, the harder the stool becomes)
Improper Breathing
Infections & Toxicities
Lack of Physical Movement
Lack of Dietary Fiber
Low Vagal Tone
Nutrient Deficiencies
Some liquids increase the risk of dehydration (caffeinated sodas, coffee, & alcohol)
Sudden Change of Routine (traveling, etc.)
Unchecked Food Sensitivities (gluten, dairy, etc.)
When stressed, the body kicks into “fight-or-flight” mode, utilizing the sympathetic nervous system to overcome the source of stress. If stress is chronic, the parasympathetic nervous system is not able to put the body into “rest-and-digest” mode.
If food sits in the bowels for too long, it can lead to the recirculation of toxins and microbial dysbiosis (favoring overgrowth of harmful bacteria and fungus). Although constipation can be caused by the pathogens and toxicities that are creating the constipation, it is important to have bowel movements daily.
Favorite Products to Relieve Constipation:
Super Aloe 450 by Orthomolecular Products (very strong)
Magnesium Citrate (powder or capsule)
Vitamin C Flush
Smooth Move Tea (you can find this in your grocery store)
Lifestyle Tools:
Physical activity (rebounding, walking, etc.)
Deep Belly Breathing Exercises (breathe in for 5 seconds through your nose, hold for 5 sec and breathe out for 5 sec)
Self-Abdominal or Colon Massages - click here for our ileocecal valve massage guide!
Relaxing your Body in an Epsom Salt Bath to help your body Absorb Magnesium (as well as relax you)
Coffee Enemas (talk to your practitioner prior)
Eat High-Fiber Foods (oats, veggies, fruit, rice, beans, whole-grain bread, cereal [avoid food allergies or intolerances])
Hydrate: Drink Half your Body Weight in Ounces. Ex. if you weigh 150lb->drink 75oz of water
Stress and pooping are highly connected. Try to create a calming environment in your bathroom where you have privacy. Avoid rushing (give yourself at least 10 minutes to go to the bathroom).
When you feel the urge to “go,” do not hold it in.
A Squatty Potty helps you strain less and empty bowels more completely.
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
The Ileocecal valve (ICV) is a sphincter muscle valve that separates the small intestine and the large intestine. It is located between the end of the small intestine (ileum) and the start of the large intestine (cecum) in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen.
It functions to keep material in the large intestine from going back into the small intestine. It is controlled by the nervous system of the digestive tract. Sometimes, this valve does not function properly and needs intervention to correct its function. This may be done manually, but the root cause for its improper functioning should always be investigated.
Dark Circles under Eyes
Low Back Pain
Right Shoulder Pain
Syncope/Near Syncope
Abdominal Pain
The ICV is located between the belly button and the groin in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen (near the appendix). You should feel a tender, hardened area, this is the ICV. Once you locate the ICV, use both hands, applying pressure in an upward direction to hold the valve closed, as shown in the PDF (at the bottom of this guide).
You may even incorporate a massage over the area in a circular motion to encourage the contents of the colon to move through. This should be done for several minutes, or until relief is maintained. Placing an ice pack over the valve for 15-20 minutes may also help close it.
Avoid inflammation-inducing foods when experiencing symptoms of ICV dysfunction. This includes: popcorn, potato chips, nuts and seeds, whole grains, raw fruits and veggies, spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate.
To avoid further aggravation of the ICV, stay hydrated, incorporate healthy stress management tools, chew food completely, don't over consume caffeine, and work with a healthcare practitioner to investigate any food sensitivities or GI infections.
You may use a castor oil pack on the ICV area to relax it.
Below is only a snippet of the guide. Click the link above for the easy-to-read food list and full guide.
A low histamine diet limits the consumption of histamines from food sources. This can reduce systemic inflammation, relieve gastrointestinal symptoms, and other reactions caused by histamine intolerances. This diet is therapeutic and is often used in conjunction with healing protocols.
A low histamine diet eliminates:
High Histamine Foods
Histamine Liberating Foods
Diamine Oxidase (DAO)-Blocking Foods
Histamine levels work like a bucket. You may be able to handle a bite of an avocado or handful of nuts, but if you combine a few bites here and there of high histamine foods, your bucket might overflow – making symptoms appear. Your histamine bucket can be influenced due to exposure to seasonal allergens, mold, hormonal changes, dehydration, stress, etc. So, keep this bucket in mind when making food choices.
The long term goal for following a low histamine diet is to support the histamine pathways to work correctly and reduce mast cell over-reactivity overtime so you can consume more foods after removing root cause problems. Since many higher histamine foods have a wealth of nutrients, we want to try to bring many of those foods when it is safe to do so.
Oxalates are naturally occurring compounds found in many plant-based foods. They are part of the plant's defense mechanism against herbivores and pests, as they can deter animals from consuming them due to their bitter taste and potential toxicity. Oxalates are also known as oxalic acid or oxalate salts. Some common foods that contain relatively high levels of oxalates include spinach, beet greens, rhubarb, Swiss chard, almonds, and certain types of tea.
Oxalates can pose health concerns for some individuals, and there are a few reasons why a person may need to limit their consumption:
Kidney Stones: Oxalates can bind with calcium in the body to form calcium oxalate crystals, which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. People who are prone to kidney stones, particularly those made of calcium oxalate, may be advised to reduce their oxalate intake to minimize the risk of stone formation.
Histamine Intolerance: Some individuals experience histamine intolerance, a condition in which the body has difficulty metabolizing histamine, a naturally occurring compound involved in various bodily functions. Certain high-oxalate foods, especially when they are also high in histamine, can trigger histamine release and exacerbate symptoms in people with histamine intolerance. Histamine intolerance symptoms can include headaches, digestive issues, skin rashes, and more.
The low-oxalate diet's intention is to lower your dietary intake of oxalates, making less oxalates available for absorption in your intestinal tract. The low-oxalate diet is supposed to be a short-medium term diet while working on reducing and eradicating infections and toxicities in the body that are driving an inability to properly process oxalates.
This guide serves as a guide for a combined low histamine and low oxalate diet guide. For more information, we also have 2 separate guides for the low histamine diet and the low oxalate diet.
Click here to access our low oxalate guide. Always talk to your practitioner about your diet. Our goal is to implement as many foods as possible without causing symptoms. We do not want to limit foods if it is unnecessary.
Click here to access our low histamine guide. Always talk to your practitioner about your diet. Our goal is to implement as many foods as possible without causing symptoms. We do not want to limit foods if it is unnecessary.
CLICK HERE for the full PDF version of this guide!
The purpose of Mind Body Spirit Release™ is to uncover subconscious imprints contributing to harmful patterns we unknowingly perpetuate. Plus, it aids in reducing emotional and physical stress on the body. Detrimental imprints aren't limited to trauma like abusive upbringings or accidents; even seemingly smaller life events impact our subconscious minds, causing unwanted emotions and physiological responses. Instead of being driven by these reactions, Mind Body Spirit Release™ helps us recognize their impact, allowing us to "deactivate" these responses by bringing language and specificity to our experiences. MBSR™ promotes self-awareness and enhances our ability to self-regulate during stressful times.
How Mind Body Spirit Release™ Works
What is the method for pinpointing the blend of emotions, limiting beliefs, hormones, neurotransmitters, and other factors that consistently trigger stress in the body? This is achieved through ideomotor testing, a form of muscle response testing. Ideomotor testing involves a muscular reaction to an idea (ideo=idea, motor=muscle). Muscle testing serves as a binary biofeedback, measuring the body's response to stimuli. Often described as a way of communicating with the body, muscle testing reveals whether a stimulus strengthens or weakens the nervous system by presenting it with various items like food and supplements.
Emotional blocks and limiting beliefs are also discerned through muscle testing, specifically using ideomotor testing with charts containing numerous prompts, rather than physical items like supplements. Similar to how the body retains and recalls cellular memories when triggered, it can unlearn these responses.
Once the practitioner identifies the cluster of emotions, limiting beliefs, and elements impairing the body, she mitigates these stressors through cold laser therapy, referred to as a "clearing." During the clearing process, a cold laser light is applied over acupressure points to soothe the nervous system response and release negative imprints stored in the subconscious. The laser aids in restoring the body's natural healing capacity by delivering light energy into the cells. The absorbed photons stimulate the mitochondria, creating a biochemical response that accelerates the healing process.
This method facilitates the unlearning and release of negative associations through the clearing process, ultimately reducing emotional and physical stress on the body. Clearing emotions via cold laser therapy does not mean eliminating unwanted emotions; its purpose is to decrease chronic or overwhelming stress and enhance self-regulation.
MBSR™ is for great for those aiming to:
Alleviate the impact of stress and stress triggers on the mind and body.
Liberate themselves from limiting emotional baggage.
Foster spiritual growth.
Cultivate and maintain healthier relationships.
Establish healthier boundaries.
Overcome addictions.
Gain awareness and greater control over behaviors driving actions.
Cultivate a profound sense of love and self-forgiveness.
Attain a state of increased physical and emotional balance.
Each significant emotional event or trauma triggers the production of a distinct blend of hormones, neurotransmitters, and emotions within your body, which can be stored in the cells. This unique combination is remembered by your body and can be activated to release those specific chemicals and emotions when exposed to a trigger. This process can result in either a positive or negative experience, similar to the warm feeling invoked by the perfume of a loved one or the sweating and shaking caused by the presence of a barking dog, reminiscent of a past attack.
The majority of these imprints are lodged deep within the subconscious memories of the cells, often without our awareness, draining our energy and steering us towards detrimental and limiting beliefs and behaviors. Frequently, we are oblivious to the original event and fail to connect it with our subsequent feelings. We simply experience the impact and imbalance of the chemicals and emotions inundating our systems, affecting our feelings and behaviors.
These stored imprints, residing in the subconscious, can have a profound effect on our health and well-being, leading to long-term exposure to low-vibration emotions (such as anger, grief, resentment, loneliness) and stress hormones. Identifying and mitigating these negative cellular memories is crucial for moving forward from the event and breaking free from detrimental patterns and beliefs. This can be accomplished, whether consciously aware of them or not, by reducing their impact on our health and well-being. This, in turn, creates space for higher vibration thoughts and feelings like connection, love, trust, hope, and joy.
What to Expect:
The session commences with the client and MBSR™ practitioner identifying your intention or goal. Using Muscle Response and/or Ideomotor Response (pendulum) Testing, the practitioner taps into your subconscious mind to pinpoint specific detrimental imprints such as emotions, limiting beliefs, and energetic blocks. Through these methods, she identifies a "layer" or grouping of your emotions, hormones, limiting beliefs, neurotransmitters, etc., associated with an event or belief pattern and its triggers.
Once this assessment is complete, the practitioner employs cold light therapy and acupressure reflex points to stimulate your nervous system, energetically calming its response. This aids in releasing the stored negative baggage directed towards your unwanted feelings and behaviors by the subconscious mind. Facilitating the release of limiting emotional and energetic baggage, along with connected harmful biological chemicals, allows your body to collaborate with the subconscious mind in pursuing the identified intention.
This process is not a passive form of energetic clearing. At the session's conclusion, you will receive meaningful home activities to reinforce the shifts. The initial session typically lasts 90, with follow-ups ranging from 60 to 90 minutes. It is recommended to schedule follow-up sessions every 1-3 weeks until you feel you have manifested your intention satisfactorily. Many clients opt for maintenance MBSR™ sessions every 6-8 weeks to ensure energetic balance and stay on track. This approach is particularly beneficial during stressful life periods, aiding in maintaining mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic balance.
You can book your initial MBSR appt by clicking HERE
1 small pinch of Carboxy
1 oz. of distilled water Vertical nasal spray bottle - click here
1 pinch of Carboxy
6 oz. of distilled water.
1. Add 1 pinch of Carboxy to a Neti pot with 6 oz lukewarm, distilled water. Mix well.
2. Rinse each nostril with the full six ounces of the mixture or you can use half the mixture on one side and half on the other.
3. Follow with a saline or salt-water nasal rinse 10-15 minutes after rinsing with Carboxy.
4. Do the nasal rinse with Carboxy as often as your practitioner recommends.
Mold Eradication
Mold Defense
Immune Support
Toxin Reduction
Up to 6 drops of Para 3. Start with 1 drop and slowly work your way up 1 oz. of distilled water.
Vertical nasal spray bottle - click here
Up to 6 drops of Para 3. Start with 1 drop and slowly work your way up 6oz. of distilled water
Neti Pot - click here for a bottle and click here for a pot
1. Add 1-3 drops of Para 3 to a Neti pot with 6 oz lukewarm, distilled water. Mix well.
2. Rinse each nostril with the full six ounces of the mixture or you can use half the mixture on one side and half on the other.
3. Follow with a saline or salt-water nasal rinse 10-15 minutes after rinsing with Para 3.
4. Do the nasal rinse with Para 3 once every other day at most based on individual tolerance.
Sinus Health
Parasite Eradication
Immune Support
Adults: 10 sprays 2 times per day
Maintenance: Once daily
Immune Building: 3 times daily
Long-Term Immune Support: 5 times daily
Short-Term Immune Support: 7 times daily
*Aggressive dosages may be suggested by your practitioner*
Argentyn 23 is a professional grade of silver hydrosol. It is produced with the smallest particles ever seen in colloidal silver products, with the most unique charge attributes (98% positively charged).
1.Insert applicator into one nostril. Pinch the other nostril closed.
2. Pump the spray bottle 5 to 10 times to squirt colloidal silver into the sinuses. Breathe in strongly while pumping to draw colloidal silver back into the sinuses and upper throat
3. Repeat in the other nostril and then repeat again in both nostrils (two times each). Repeat daily x amount of times per day as your practitioner suggests.
Sinus Health
Immune Support
Click here for the PDF version! This lays out the information in the guide CLEARLY!
Oxalates are natural substances in many foods that bind to calcium during digestion in the stomach and intestines then leave the body through the stool. Oxalates that are not bound to calcium travel as a waste product from the blood to the kidneys where it leaves the body in the urine. Too many oxalates circulating in the body may cause problems in some people and can be a cause for kidney stones.
There are two kinds of oxalates: internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous). Internal oxalates produce from within the body – not from food. Your body’s ability to form oxalates depends on your genetic profile and nutritional deficiencies. Deficiencies in vitamin B1 and B6 can increase oxalate production. It is important to reduce your risk of vitamin B deficiencies if oxalate sensitive.
External oxalates come from food and gut microbes. If you are experiencing oxalate sensitivities, it is beneficial to remove high-oxalate foods from your diet.
The low-oxalate diet's intention is to lower your dietary intake of oxalates, making less oxalates available for absorption in your intestinal tract. The low-oxalate diet is supposed to be a short-medium term diet while working on reducing and eradicating infections and toxicities in the body that are driving an inability to properly process oxalates.
In addition to following a low-oxalate diet, here are some additional tips:
Drink at least 10-12 (8oz) of pure filtered water.
If you take vitamin C, limit it to no more than 500mg daily (vitamin c is converted to oxalates by the body.)
Limit the use table salt; instead use Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt, which both have many health benefits.
Extra calcium helps bind oxalates so they do not deposit in the tissues. Taking a small amount of calcium citrate with a high-oxalate meal can be helpful.
When following this diet, choose snack foods that are low-to-moderate oxalate content. In addition to this, aim for macronutrient balance at each meal and snack, ensuring that you always pair carbs with a source of protein and fat. For example, eating fruit (carbohydrates) with raw cheddar cheese (protein and fat). This is a good general rule to help balance blood sugar, and support stable energy levels and metabolic health.
Fruits like pears, apples and blueberries with raw cheddar cheese
Pasture raised pork rinds
Sunflower seeds
Hard boiled eggs
Grass fed unsweetened yogurt & blueberries
Organic popcorn topped with grass fed butter (like Kerrygold)
Watermelon, feta & mint
Dang brand coconut chips
Crystallized ginger
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
The Primal Trust Academy created by Dr. Cathleen King is a brain re-training and mindfulness program that examines the mind-body connection, neuroplasticity, the science of the cell danger response, somatic therapies, breathwork, and the importance of the nervous system.
If you are having daily challenges, this program will provide simple tools with daily guidance. If you are looking for more in-depth knowledge on the topic of nervous system regulation and chronic illness recovery, you will find it here as well.
The Primal Trust Academy has 3 levels. You start at level 1 and progress to level 3, if wanted.
Plan on at least 2-3 months to work through each level. If you have cognitive challenges, plan on working through the program over 4-6 months.
Level 1 (Regulate™) has a comprehensive set of 7 modules ranging from 1-3 hours each, and is broken down into bite-sized videos. You will be guided every step of the way in how to implement the daily practices. Each Regulate™ Module is released weekly, from the time that you join. And, there is a workbook for EACH module, and these are located within each module. Print out or digitally-use the module-specific workbook before completing each individual module.
After you have completed Level 1, you can move onto Level 2 (Mentorship) and after that, you can move onto Level 3 (Liberate). Primal Trust Academy is a neatly organized and packaged program that limits the amount of confusion and leads you straight into the healing work! So, if you have questions about Primal Trust Academy when starting, it is likely those questions will diminish once you watch the first few introduction videos from Dr. Cathleen King.
Click here to learn more about the membership!
For other questions, click here to read the FAQs!
Primal Trust also has…
A Video Library
Community Groups
1:1 Mentoring
Live Classes
Study Groups
Sound Healing
Primal Trust is a membership-based program. You can join and cancel your membership at any time.
Most importantly, Primal Trust Academy is a community. Through your membership, you will have constant access to the ever-growing resources, teachings, live weekly classes, and forums.
Your life may feel depleted from the patterns of trauma and illness that have kept you restricted and drained, but with the proper steps, you can learn how to become aware of your body and ignite your nervous system in a healthy way. Healing isn’t just physical, it is mental.
For more information, visit
Primal Trust’s Instagram (Cathleen King): @primaltrust_official
Use code: DRJABAN for 10% off
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
The Pulse method is a build up that Dr. Jaban discovered for titrating up his most sensitive clients.
Start with the full dose of the antimicrobial or detox supplement. Then take the suggested number of days off decreasing in the number of days off each dose.
For example, if Para 3 was recommended at 30 drops 3 times per day for 30 days using the pulse method beginning with a 5 day pulse: Day 1 take 30 drops 3 times then take 5 days off. Repeat the full dose then take 4 days off, Repeat full dose then take 3 days off, Repeat full dose then take 2 days off, Repeat the full dose then take 1 day off, then repeat the full dose for 30 consecutive days.
Click HERE to watch Dr. Jaban’s instructional video on his pulse method
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
*please read the entire guide prior to using a sauna*
Infrared saunas are a specific type of sauna that work by heating the physical body from the inside out. Unlike traditional saunas, which apply heat to warm the body by increasing the ambient air temperature, infrared saunas heat the body directly without employing the air as a heat transfer medium. Our body naturally produces a fever when fighting off an infection; therefore, infrared saunas work similarly to raise core temperature to help eradicate infections and stimulate lymphatic flow.
Aids in Detoxification
Reduces Inflammation & Pain
Promotes Lymphatic Flow
Improves Circulation
Boosts Mitochondrial Functions
Aids in Muscle Recovery
Promotes Relaxation
An infrared sauna with low EMFs and made from safe materials is important. We recommend the brand Therasage. Therasage is portable and less expensive than most other high quality saunas on the market. Click HERE to purchase the Therasage infrared sauna, and use the code “DrJaban” for 15% off your purchase.
Clearlight saunas are full-spectrum and low EMF infrared saunas with proven clinical results. These saunas use True Wave™ high output combination carbon/ceramic far infrared heaters. Click HERE to purchase the Clearlight infrared sauna.
Start by heating up the sauna to 130 degrees. Be sure you are properly hydrated (with water, electrolytes, & minerals) before ever using the sauna. Drink a glass of water while your sauna heats up.
Get in the sauna. For a beginner, pay attention to when you feel you are first beginning to sweat (if you are able to sweat). After you begin to sweat, remain in the sauna for 5 more minutes. If you are sensitive to heat, feel free to leave the sauna when needed.
If you are currently unable to sweat, start with 10 minutes in the sauna at 130 degrees.
The goal here is to be able to get to 150 degrees for 1 hour, but please do not start there.
In the event that you experience ANY DETOX SIGNS, stop your session. Examples of detox signs:
Feeling Light-Headed
Lethargy (feeling tired)
If you experience these symptoms, please STOP your current session, and immediately go drink 8-10 oz. of room temperature, filtered water. Take a note of the time and temperature at which the detox symptoms first began. Consider lowering your time and temperature, so that in future sessions, your body is able to better transition to this method of detoxification.
Implementing a binder before and after sauna use may help calm a detox reaction as the binder “grabs” any toxins that the body may stir up while in the sauna. We typically recommend 1 Biotoxin Binder or 1 HM-ET Binder before and after sauna use. Talk to your practitioner about your plan.
The following are some other great binder options:
Activated Charcoal - 2 veggie capsules
Bentonite Clay - 2 veggie capsules
Food Sources - Spirulina, Chlorella – 1/2 teaspoon or 2 - 4 veggie caps
Please remember that while in the sauna, you will want to continually be wiping the sweat off with a towel as you sweat. Doing this helps to ensure that any toxins you are secreting are not being reabsorbed by the body. Showering immediately after will help get any other lingering toxins off, and bonus points if it’s a cold shower (as cold showers are great for activating the parasympathetic nervous system). Prior to doing a cold shower, You’ll also want to clean your sauna by wiping it down in between uses to remove any secreted toxins.
After you sauna, be sure to drink at least 60oz of water with some form of minerals (such as CT Minerals, Re-Lyte Powder, Nuun Tablets, LMNT, or Celtic Sea Salt Water) throughout the day to balance your electrolytes.
Note: Do NOT use a sauna if you have breast implants.
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
*please read the entire guide prior to using a sauna*
Infrared saunas are a specific type of sauna that work by heating the physical body from the inside out. Unlike traditional saunas, which apply heat to warm the body by increasing the ambient air temperature, infrared saunas heat the body directly without employing the air as a heat transfer medium. Our body naturally produces a fever when fighting off an infection; therefore, infrared saunas work similarly to raise core temperature to help eradicate infections and stimulate lymphatic flow.
Aids in Detoxification
Reduces Inflammation & Pain
Promotes Lymphatic Flow
Improves Circulation
Boosts Mitochondrial Functions
Aids in Muscle Recovery
Promotes Relaxation
An infrared sauna with low EMFs and made from safe materials is important. We recommend the brand Therasage. Therasage is portable and less expensive than most other high quality saunas on the market. Click HERE to purchase the Therasage infrared sauna, and use the code “DrJaban” for 15% off your purchase.
Clearlight saunas are full-spectrum and low EMF infrared saunas with proven clinical results. These saunas use True Wave™ high output combination carbon/ceramic far infrared heaters. Click HERE to purchase the Clearlight infrared sauna.
Start by heating up the sauna to 130 degrees. Be sure your child is properly hydrated (with water, electrolytes, & minerals) before ever using the sauna. Have them drink a glass of water while the sauna heats up.
Get in the sauna. We recommend your child being in the sauna for 10 minutes maximum.
Always keep an eye on kids, but especially below 7 years old as the can dehydrate more easily.
In the event that your child experiences of these signs, stop their session:
Feeling Light-Headed
Lethargy (feeling tired)
If your child experiences these symptoms, please STOP their current session, and have them drink 8-10 oz. of room temperature, filtered water. Take a note of the time and temperature at which the detox symptoms first began. Consider lowering the time and temperature, so that in future sessions, their body is able to better transition to this method of detoxification.
Implementing a binder before and after sauna use may help calm a detox reaction as the binder “grabs” any toxins that the body may stir up while in the sauna. We typically recommend 1/2 of a capsule of Biotoxin Binder or 1 HM-ET Binder before sauna use.
Talk to your practitioner about your plan. The following are some other great binder options:
Activated Charcoal - 1 veggie capsule
Bentonite Clay - 1 veggie capsule
If your child struggles to swallow pills, split the capsule open and mix it into apple sauce, juice, a smoothie, etc. If your kid finds the color of the drink off-putting, find a dark water bottle or container to put the drink in.
Showering immediately after will help get any other lingering toxins off. You’ll also want to clean your sauna by wiping it down in between uses to remove any secreted toxins.
After your kid’s sauna session, be sure they eat and drink. Drink a water with some form of minerals (such as Re-Lyte Powder, Nuun Tablets, LMNT, or Celtic Sea Salt Water) throughout the day to balance their electrolytes.
A hot bathtub session will do! The maximum temperature the tub should be is 100 degrees (more warm water than hot water for kids). You may implement epsom salt/magnesium chloride flakes. To purchase those, click here!
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
Raise the bed 6 inches at the head of the bed to help with nightly sleep drainage of the brain (the glymphatic system).
Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
Get rid of the EMFs - especially in the bedroom.
Have NO cellphones within 6 feet of the bed.
Turn off your Wifi router at night or purchase an ethernet cord to hardwire your internet. Depending on the Wifi router, you may be able to set a timer for your wifi to turn-on and turn-off at designated times of the day.
Turn your Cell phone to Airplane mode.
Consider purchasing EMF blocking paint, curtains, and/or a bed canopy if you live in an area with a high amount of EMF activity, such as near a cell tower.
Do not use a TV, phone, tablet, computer, or any other blue light producing device at least 1 hour before bed.
Use blue light glasses at night if around those devices .
Purchase blackout blinds/curtains for your windows
Do not use white, blue, or bright lights in the bedroom. If light is needed, use red light bulbs/red reading lights.
Studies show sleeping in 68 degrees or below is the best for sleeping.
Use a sound maker or fan.
Do you wake up at the same time each night? The Horary Clock (Also called the Chinese body clock), is a tool used in Traditional Chinese Medicine that may help troubleshoot consistent sleep issues. It is helpful for finding which organ(s) may be responsible for sleep disturbances. If you have consistent patterns of waking, the Horary Clock can assist you in knowing which organ system to pay attention to.
Divided into 12 two-hour intervals, it works off the idea that energy flows through different organ systems throughout the day and night. Each organ corresponds to a two-hour interval when it is most abundant, active, and strong. For example, if someone consistently wakes up between 1am-3am, that could indicate a need for liver or detoxification support.
Organs are also tied to emotions. For example...
Lungs= grief
Gallbladder= resentment
If you are waking at these respective times, you may benefit from looking into the emotional aspect as well.
(see the PDF for an image of the body clock)
Sleep Train!
Listen to binaural beats to fall asleep.
Do Neurofeedback
Brain Tap
Try Sleep Technology!
For sleep tracking, try the oura ring.
Use a Zeez Pebbe. This device sends out brainwave patterns to prompt quality sleep.
Utilize Supplementation!
If your brain won't shut off, try Liposomal Gaba
If you can't stay asleep, try Liposomal Melatonin
If you feel wired of stressed, try Adrena Calm
Lavender and vanilla oils in the air (not internally)
Other options: 5 HTP, L-Theanine, Passion Flower, Valerian Root, & CBD.
Life Hacks!
Do red light therapy in the evening to set the body into night mode.
Dry brush at night.
Take Lymph Activ to reduce swelling and itching at night.
Do NOT have caffeine after 12pm.
Use adaptogenic herbs. My favorites Nano Mojo.
Use King Coffee to help balance and regulate the adrenals/cortisol levels with reishi
*Please note that this is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure diseases
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
Low Glycemic: the majority of your diet should consist of foods that have a Glycemic Index value of 55 or less to reduce spikes in blood sugar.
Eat Plenty of Calories: at least 2000 per day for a 200lb. man, or 12 calories per pound of body weight.
Consume Red meat: (good-quality, grass fed) contains high levels of bioavailable nutrients like Zinc and vitamin D.
Intermittent Fasting: work up to a 16-18 hour fasting window daily. By eating less often you reduce your insulin which allows testosterone to increase.
Consume Healthy Fats: Fat is the building block for hormone production.
Sleep: aim for 7-8 hours of sleep at a consistent time each night, and get up at a consistent time in the morning. This will help support your body's natural circadian rhythm, which will in turn allow for better communication within the HPA-axis.
Lower Stress: (including stress from some protocols) in your life and find strategies like meditation, Primal Trust Academy, breathwork, etc. that help you manage stress effectively.
Exercise: it's an important part of supporting testosterone production. High intensity interval training as well as strength training has been shown to increase testosterone whereas steady-state cardio has shown to lower it.
The guide in the link below discusses…
Lyme Disease
Lyme Co-Infections
Easy and In-Depth Tick Prevention Tips
The Tick Examination Checklist
How to Remove Properly a Tick
Products for Tick Removal, Prevention, and Repellent
Tick Testing and Resources
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
Because of the unpleasant taste of many herbs, sometimes it's easier to get kids to take them when the taste can be masked. This can be done with empty vegetarian capsules which can be purchased HERE in various sizes. Simply place the dosing into the capsule and swallow like a pill. If swallowing is difficult, another option is to add the herbs to a smoothie, applesauce, maple syrup, or another easily mixable food, just keep in mind that the child needs to finish the whole portion of the given food so that they get their full dose in! one more less popular option is to syringe the herbs into the child's mouth and follow it immediately with sweet-tasting "chaser" such as honey or maple syrup.
TAKE NOTE: some herbs are very pungent and can burn through the veggie capsules quickly, so they should always be taken quickly after filling the capsule.
Some children have difficulty swallowing pills, so if the size of the pill is an issue, again, vegetable capsules as mentioned above, can be purchased in a smaller size to make swallowing easier. In addition, for kids who can't swallow pills of any size, capsules can be opened and placed in easily mixed foods such as smoothie, applesauce, maple syrup, and coconut-based whipped cream.
Para 1: If opening the capsule, should be mixed in only with a fat-soluble oil such as olive or coconut oil, or maple syrup/honey.
TUDCA: This has a strong and unpleasant taste when the capsule is broken open, mix into something that can mask the flavor and can be taken quickly, like maple syrup or honey.
Binders include Carboxy, HMET Binder, BioToxin Binder, Takesumi, Activated Charcoal, etc.
Like herbs, binders should be taken at least 20 minutes before or 2 hours after food. Cellcore Binders can be taken with herbs, however, Takesumi should not be taken with anything.
Exceptions: Carboxy, this can be mixed into orange juice or another juice when taking it if needed.
Try keeping a wipe-off board calendar to write out your protocols and keep track of where you are in your protocol
Organize your supplements into a pill box at the same time each week to stay consistent
Set alarm reminders on your phone to remind you when it's time to take each supplement
As always, if there is anything relating to your protocol or care with one of our practitioners that you're unsure about, call the office!
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
The vagus nerve is the longest and most complex cranial nerve of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and parasympathetic nervous system. It has also been described as the body’s “second brain.” This nerve wanders from the brainstem to the bottom of the abdomen and branches off into various organ systems, muscles/tissues, and other surrounding nerves.
It oversees a vast array of crucial bodily functions including digestion, immune responses, respiratory rate, and heart rate. Additionally, it establishes the brain-gut connection, making them able to communicate to each other with ease. However, if this nerve is dysfunctional, it will have the opposite effect on the body and create disharmony within the gastrointestinal tract, immune system, and brain. Oftentimes, this effect is known as “fight-or-flight.”
A dysregulated vagus nerve creates imbalances in the body, making it unable to perform its important functions of repair, restoration, and homeostasis. In essence, a dysfunctional vagus nerve is unable to help the body heal from chronic illnesses and emotional trauma.
In order to “wake up” and “re-wire” this nerve, we put together a list of methods that are effective in activating, exercising, and training it to help your mind and body heal!
Read below to learn vagus nerve exercises! Vagus nerve exercises help to “wake up” the vagus nerve. By doing this, your body will become calmer and more grounded.
If not given exact instructions, pick 2-3+ methods from below and do them daily.
While laying down, interlock your fingers and place your hands behind your head. Allow your head to rest in your hands. Gently gaze your eyes as far to the right as you can without straining hold, until you feel a sense of calm, need to sigh, or yawn. Now repeat on the left side. This helps activate your vagus nerve by stretching the common fascia in the brain to the back of the head.
You may stop doing this exercise once you sigh, yawn, or feel a sense of calmness. This may take practice. For some you may react instantly, for others it may take a few minutes. Ideally, you want to do each side of the eye for 30 seconds.
Here is a video demonstrating the gazing exercise: CLICK HERE
The vagus nerve innervates the soft tissue in the back of the palate (back of throat), so making noises with your throat like "ah ah ah ah" or humming, or making an "ommmm" sound helps turn it on. Aim to do each exercise for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Pick 1 or 2 of your favorites of these exercises to practice daily.
Gag reflex is powerful, albeit a little less pleasant. You can use the back of your toothbrush or a tongue depressor, or even a Q-tip and touch the back of your throat gently in order to activate the vagus nerve!
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a measure of the variation in the time intervals between successive heartbeats. It's the tiny differences in the time between each beat of your heart. Instead of your heart beating at a perfectly steady pace, there are slight variations in the timing of each beat.
HRV is related to the health of your vagus nerve because the vagus nerve plays a crucial role in regulating your heart rate and controlling your body's "rest and digest" response. When your vagus nerve is functioning well, it helps your heart adjust its rhythm appropriately in response to different situations. This means that your heart rate can speed up when you're active or stressed and slow down when you're relaxed.
In summary, HRV is a measure of the slight changes in the timing of your heartbeats, and it can provide insights into the health of your vagus nerve. Higher HRV is often associated with better vagus nerve function, which is important for your overall well-being, as it helps your body switch between different states, such as relaxation and stress, more efficiently. Monitoring HRV can be a useful tool in assessing your nervous system's health and your body's ability to respond to various situation.
A tool that I use is called "Inner Peace" by Heart Math and you can use it as biofeedback to measure the variability in your heart rate. The Inner Balance App uses an ear sensor to capture your Heart-Rate Variability (HRV) data. This data gives the most accurate, in-the-moment reading of your heart-rhythm patterns, and coaches you with breathing patterns to improve your HRV.
Your smart watches may also track your HRV.
Breathe in for 5-6 seconds, then hold 5 seconds, then breathe out for a count of 6-7 seconds. Do this 10 times - multiple times per day!
Taking cold showers, splashing cold water on your face, or placing anything cold on your face activates the vagus nerve. Exposing your body to acute cold conditions such as taking a cold shower or splashing cold water on your face, increases stimulation of the vagus nerve. While your body adjusts to the cold, sympathetic activity declines, while parasympathetic activity increases.
Acupuncture or pseudo-acupuncture using a toothpick engages the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve innervates your tragus, auricle and skin over the inner canal of your ear. You can tap a toothpick or finger over this area, and this can stimulate your vagus nerve. You may massage your ears for as long as you’d like, but it is ideal to do this exercise for 2-3 minutes 1-2 times per day.
Here is a video that demonstrates how you can stimulate your vagus nerve by massaging your ear: CLICK HERE
Tickling the face and neck, or doing a scalp massage, affects the nerves that come off the same area of the brain that the vagus nerve innervates. These areas, when stimulated, cause relaxation and increase vagal tone! Aim to do this for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Your left and right brain can begin to connect and cross-communicate harmoniously by using binaural frequencies. The binaural beats stimulate the vagus nerve with the ultimate goal of helping carry you into a state of deep relaxation, necessary for a healthier body and longer life. Binaural beats have varying frequencies. Lower frequency waves are linked to delta and theta states, best for aiding in deep sleep, meditation, and relaxation, while alpha, beta, and gamma frequencies are higher, and promote focus, problem solving, and cognition.
The Primal Trust Academy created by Dr. Cathleen King is a brain re-training and mindfulness program that examines the mind-body connection, neuroplasticity, the science of the cell danger response, somatic therapies, breathwork, and the importance of the nervous system.
If you are having daily challenges, this program will provide simple tools with daily guidance. If you are looking for more in-depth knowledge on the topic of nervous system regulation and chronic illness recovery, you will find it here as well.
Click here for our Primal Trust Guide!
The tapping technique called the “fear tap” calms the fight-or-flight response when the vagus nerve is overstimulated. Begin with flipping one of your hands so the palm is facing down. With the other hand, take your fingers and press on the backside of your hand, halfway between your wrist and fingers, between your pinky and ring finger. Tap this area for 30-60 seconds with 2-3 fingers firmly while deep breathing. This is a great technique that is discrete for public places. EFT tapping is a widely used method to relax the mind & body as well as retrain the limbic system.
You may also use a full EFT tapping routine! Follow the one in this video!
The valsalva maneuver is used to increase vagal tone as it increases pressure inside the nasal cavities and chest. Essentially, the elevated chest pressure stimulates the vagus nerve. In order to do the valsalva maneuver, you must close your nose and mouth while trying to blow the air out for ten seconds. This maneuver should be done sitting or lying down, as it can cause significant fluctuations in blood pressure for some individuals.
Click here for a video demonstration!
Similar to the gazing exercise, this method helps to reset the ventral vagus nerve. Moving your eyes in this way prompts a direct neurological connection between the muscles that move your eyes and suboccipital muscles. To do this exercise, look to the left without turning your head. Then, tilt your head to the right towards the shoulder, and hold for 30-60 seconds. Then return to a neutral position, head upright, looking straight ahead. Repeat on the other side, tilting your head to the left side while looking right.
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
Water enemas are useful for assisting in drainage of the colon, improving constipation, and can be a helpful stepping stone towards doing a coffee enema. If you’ve never done an enema before, it can sound intimidating and strange. Don’t worry; they are very gentle and can be an incredible tool to help you along in your healing!
The large intestine- where the water flows during a water enema- is up to 5 feet long and can collect a lot of debris and toxins if your bowels are not moving often enough. This can lead to bloating, fatigue, gas pains, feeling sluggish, poor detox, inflammation, weight gain, and herx reactions. Water enemas act as a gentle flush to rid the colon of biofilms, trapped stool, parasites, mucus, and more. Like we always say- better out than in!
This is a common concern among clients- “If I do water enemas routinely, will my body still be able to eliminate on its own?” In short, yes. We often suggest coffee enemas as a temporary and therapeutic tool to help clients who are struggling to keep their colon open and draining. Severe constipation can make it difficult and unsafe to complete detox protocols. Once we address the root cause, constipation usually resolves.
However, we sometimes have to bring in special therapies to empty the colon during your healing process. We run into problems if the drainage system becomes backed up, and water enemas can greatly alleviate this.
If you have further concerns about dependency on water enemas, please don’t hesitate to bring it up at your appointment!
Enema Bag/Bucket with hose, clamp, & tip
Click here for an enema bucket kit. Click here for an enema bag kit. (pick one)
2-4 Cups of Purified Water
STEP 1: Fill your Bucket
Fill your enema bag/bucket with 2-4 cups of body temperature, or slightly warmer, distilled water. If this is your first water enema, start closer to 2 cups and increase volume the more experience you have. Ensure that the clamp on the hose is closed prior to filling the bucket.
STEP 2: Prep the Bathroom and Enema
Make a comfortable spot on the floor or in the bathtub. Place an old towel down for comfort and in case of leaks. Hang the bucket several feet above where you are lying to allow gravity to release the water. The higher you hang the bucket, the faster the water will flow.
STEP 3: Administer the Enema
Prior to inserting the enema, release the clamp to let out any excess air in the enema tube. This will significantly reduce any air bubbles in the enema tube from going into your body, making it more comfortable.
When ready, lay on the floor on your back with your knees bent or flat on the floor. You may also lay on your right side. Grease the tip of the enema with coconut oil and gently insert into the rectum.
Open the clamp, allowing the water to flow. You may even lay on your right side to help the water travel farther up the colon. Use the clamp to adjust the flow rate of the water until you feel comfortable. If the flow of the water is too fast, partially or fully close the clamp until you are ready to continue.
STEP 4: Once the Enema Bag is Empty
Once the enema bag/bucket is empty, close the clamp. You may remove the tip from the rectum or keep it in place. Remain lying down, and set a timer for 5-10 minutes. Try to hold the enema for this time. This allows the water to soften any trapped material in the colon. It is normal to feel some discomfort or urgency during these 5-10 minutes- just do your best to hold it before expelling into the toilet.
Do as often as your practitioner suggests.
Click here for the PDF version of this guide!
Establishing that you are properly hydrated helps ensure you have the energy and fluid you need to optimize detoxification and drainage via your liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, and colon. Water is life. The human body is made of 60% water, and this is a clear enough indication of the importance of water. Humans need to be adequately hydrated for their physiological systems to function.
Additionally, water helps maintain organ health and allows the blood to maintain the consistency it requires to flow freely and transport oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body. Essentially, drinking clean water is foundational to our health!
Think about how much water you consume over the course of a day, month, and year! We want to make sure there are no additional, harmful toxins coming in with that water.
Heavy Metals (lead, mercury)
Radioactive Elements (uranium)
Disinfection Byproducts (perchlorate)
Endocrine Disruptors
Arsenic (very common)
Industrial Solvents
Pesticides & Herbicides
Run-Off Chemicals
These contaminants often go overlooked, or are deemed acceptable in small amounts. However, these are very difficult to detox and place a cumulative strain on your detox, digestive, and endocrine systems. The rising rates of fertility issues, low testosterone, early onset puberty, disease, and more, point to the importance of limiting disruptive toxins in our environment and water!
To find out what's in your water, ask your water provider for a report or visit:
There are 3 main categories of water filtration: carbon filters, reverse osmosis, and distillation.
All of these use different processes to remove toxins and contaminants from the water, but of these methods, distillation is the only method that separates water from the contaminants vs. pushing the water through a filter. Reverse osmosis, in our opinion, is the second best option. This filters out most compounds like fluoride and pesticides, heavy metals and other common contaminants. However, some things can slip through an RO filter. These may include certain fungicides, some dissolved gasses like hydrogen sulfide, certain organic compounds, and some chlorine, depending on the amount that is in the water to begin with.
While there are many options for water filtration, distillation is our favorite. Many filters like the ones mentioned above filter out some compounds but not others. This is better than nothing, but of course we want water to be as clean as possible.
Generic plastic water pitchers and filters usually fail to filter out radioactive elements and heavy metals, to name a few. The Therasage TheraH20 pitcher and Clearly Filtered Pitchers are a good option for those wanting some protection from water contaminants, but are also on a budget.
Brita filters do not remove heavy metals and pathogenic bacteria. A Berkey filter removes most but not all heavy metal and uranium. If filters are not replaced frequently, it can lose its effectiveness in removing fluoride. It’s a great option for families on a budget, and can be a helpful step in the journey towards getting a distiller.
If you are looking into purchasing a certain filter, do lots of research and look for third party testing to confirm what it does and does not remove.
The process of distillation involves converting water into vapor through the process of boiling, and then subsequently condensing the vapor back into liquid form. This process leaves behind the elements in the water that have a boiling point higher than water, such as heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury), inorganic compounds like uranium, and it also kills microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.
When distilling your water it is important to add minerals back into the water as distillation strips the minerals out. This applies to other methods as well, such as Reverse Osmosis. We recommend Concentrace Mineral Drops (1/2 tsp or 40 drops), Celtic Sea Salt (1/2 tsp per quart of water), or CT Minerals from Cellcore Biosciences (if tolerated). For those who tolerate CT-Minerals, we recommend 1-2 capsules dissolved per gallon.
Other mineral-rich additions to water can include coconut water, lemon or lime juice, Master Mineral drink, or electrolyte powders like Dr. Bergs, Re-Lyte, or LMNT. SaltStick can also be used for sodium!
You can certainly purchase distilled water from any grocery store as an alternative, but in our office and home I use a My Pure Water Distilling system. This system is a high-quality water distiller that comes in several sizes from countertop units to whole-house systems.
Distillers come in various capacities, usually measured in liters per hour. If buying a distiller is not an option for you right now due to cost, you can buy gallons of distilled water from the store while you save up.
Click here to view more information on our favorite distiller! Use the code “drjaban” for 5% off!
Whole foods are foods that remain close to their natural state. They do not have added sugars, flavorings, or other processed ingredients. Choosing mostly whole foods will result in a nutrient dense diet that is high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. “Organic foods'' refers to the way crops are grown and processed. Organic regulations vary from country to country, but in the United States organic crops must be USDA certified. This means that organic foods must follow federal guidelines that address soil quality, animal raising practices, pest and weed control, and use of additives.
It is important to know that essentially all foods you eat are processed at some level. Cooked, canned, frozen, packaged, or nutritionally altered foods are all considered “processed.” For example, roasted almonds, bagged carrots, or premade granola are “processed.” So remember, the goal is to eat whole foods.
Do NOT worry about having them all be completely unprocessed – that is impossible and impractical. The “processed” foods we want to avoid include fast food, highly-processed microwaveable dinners, candy, etc.
Generally speaking here are examples of swaps for eating a whole foods diet:
Potatoes instead of potato chips
Grilled chicken breast instead of chicken nuggets
Whole grain bread instead of white bread
Examples of whole foods include fruits and vegetables, meats like chicken and fish, milk, yogurt, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
(More examples later in this guide)
An organic whole foods diet is arguably one of the best diets since we are eating “natural” foods – which humans are meant to be eating! The benefits can include:
Chronic disease prevention
Chronic disease management
Improvements in digestion
Blood sugar regulation
Decreased joint pain
Decreased inflammation
Decreased risk for metabolic syndrome
Improved cognitive functions
Improved sleep quality
Improved kidney and liver functions
All fruits – fresh or frozen
All vegetables – fresh or frozen
Meats (beef, poultry, seafood, etc.) – fresh or frozen
Eggs and Dairy (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, butter, etc.)
Whole Grains (quinoa, brown rice, oats, etc.)
Legumes and Beans (black beans, garbanzo beans, navy beans, lentils, etc.)
Oils (olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, etc.)
Nuts (almonds, walnuts, pistachios, etc.)
Seeds (chia seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.)
Variations of whole foods (oatmeal, salsa, nut butters, ketchup, mustard, guacamole, granola bars, gluten-free pastas, etc.) – all items should contain simple ingredients
You will likely find a majority of these foods on the perimeter of the store – not in the aisles!
If you cannot purchase all organic foods, try to pick some of your most-eaten fruits, vegetables, and/or meats organically Industrially-raised animals may be fed corn, grains, antibiotics, growth hormones, and pesticides. These practices can have health consequences for both the animals themselves and people consuming their meat, eggs, or milk.
If you can afford to pay the higher prices, look for beef and dairy products labeled “pasture raised” or “100% grass fed.” For pork, chicken, or eggs, look for a “certified organic” label. You may find that buying cheaper cuts of meat will enable you to eat organic without breaking your food budget. Try buying organic chicken thighs instead of conventionally raised chicken breasts, for example. You can also buy in bulk and freeze the meat!
Try purchasing a bulk of your fruits and vegetables organically, if possible. If not, do not fret. We understand this isn’t always possible. Make sure to wash your produce before eating.
Shopping at farmers markets – local farmers sell their produce at an open-air street market, often at a discount to grocery stores.
Join a food co-op – A natural foods co-op, or cooperative grocery store typically offers lower prices to members, who pay an annual fee to belong.
Buy in season – Fruits and vegetables are cheapest and freshest when they are in season.
Organic does not always equal healthy – Making junk food sound healthy is a common marketing ploy in the food industry. Organic baked goods, desserts, and snacks can still be extremely high in sugar, salt, and fat – so always read labels before buying a more expensive snack.
Breakfast: Vegetable omelet with an orange
Lunch: Salad topped with chicken and avocado with your favorite italian dressing
Dinner: Meatballs with roasted vegetables and a baked potato
Breakfast: Fruit smoothie with a side of oatmeal
Lunch: Lentil and vegetable soup
Dinner: Turkey tacos topped with salsa, guacamole, green onions, and a sprinkle of cheese on an organic corn tortilla
Breakfast: Bean, potato, and vegetable hash
Lunch: Greek salad with grilled chicken and hummus
Dinner: Roasted chicken, a baked potato, and a side of green beans and broccoli
Breakfast: Vegetable omelet with an orange
Lunch: Lentil and vegetable soup
Dinner: Beef stir fry
Breakfast: Fruit smoothie with a side of oatmeal
Lunch: Avocado tuna salad
Dinner: Roasted chicken with a side of roasted vegetables and rice
Examples of snacks:
Vegetables and hummus
Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, seeds, etc.
Cottage cheese and fruit
Apples and cheese
Dates and nut butter (peanut, almond, sunflower, etc.)
… and more!
As always, talk with your practitioner if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this diet.
We understand that you may have food intolerances or food allergies that may make eating certain foods difficult or completely off limits. For that reason, it is important to communicate these issues with us!
Generally, there are minimal downsides to an organic whole-foods diet, as long as you maintain a balanced perspective.
While this is not a risky diet, it is important to recognize that this diet will likely require more meal planning and prep than eating processed foods does — though you may become accustomed to new routines like batch cooking and freezing leftovers to minimize time spent in the kitchen.
This is a general overview of an organic whole foods diet. From here, you can decide what works best for YOUR lifestyle, budget, and goals. As always… the best diet is always the one that is balanced and fits your lifestyle.
Common Questions We Get From Clients
*This section includes our most commonly asked questions by clients & helpful videos on navigating Practice Better
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm CST
If you are a client, you can send us a chat through your practice better portal or give our office a call at (816) 889-9801
That's completely understandable! It tends to vary more per individual based on what all is going on than it does due to age alone (so this is something our practitioners factor in when listing dosages), but of course you can choose to start lower and slower and work your way up. Just be aware this will impact the timeline of things a bit potentially. The dosages listed are based on what our practitioners believe are tolerable for each individual, but of course we can't know exactly how much is tolerable until we try. Rest assured we are here to support you guys along the way though! So do what you are most comfortable with as long as you are able to reach the recommended dosage!
If you find you guys are unable to reach those dosages without having an overbearing reaction (some reaction is normal and expected), then you would need to contact us for adjustments. I hope that helps clarify things for you all!
You should be able to directly cancel your appointments through Practice Better as well as reschedule new appointments. This way you can schedule your appointments quicker (as soon as the same day) and find a time that works best for you. If you look at the bottom of your session note you can see when your practitioner would like to see you next. You can click ""Request a Session"" in your account to book your next appointment.
Here is a video showing how to do this:
Make sure any unpaid invoices are paid before booking an appointment. If you need a lab interpretation appointment, please let us know and we can scheduled that for you.
Just for your knowledge regarding chat correspondence, we answer those chats within our office hours. The chats are designed to give you a way to ask the front desk questions about testing, scheduling, or maybe something you are confused about! Unfortunately this chat is not a direct line to your practitioner, so any protocol questions must be done during an appointment. We do our best to respond to each chat within 24 hours, but we do receive a high volume of chats. So we appreciate your patience as we get back to these as soon as we are able!
We have a large community of people that may have had similar experiences to you! They are a great group to chat with!
"You can schedule up to 2 appointments per month with our Health Coach Makenna to provide you with some extra support in between your appointments with your doctor. She is able to help answer questions on Nutrition, Detox Therapies, Lifestyle Changes, or if you're having a bad reaction and need some support. You can schedule these appointments through your Practice Better account by clicking ""Request A Session"".
Here is a video showing how to do this:
Here is a video from Makenna so you can learn a little bit more about her:
Proper containment is key! The company should be using plastic barriers in the contaminated areas to avoid the mycotoxins spreading into other areas of the home, as these spores will become airborne during the removal process. Any moldy materials that are removed should be bagged up within the containment area, including any PPE that's worn. Negative air pressure can be the best containment!
Air scrubbers should be used during & after remediation to help filter out the mycotoxins that are aggravated during remediation.
The ANSI-IICRC S250 is the industry standard that companies should be using for professional mold remediation. When interviewing companies, be sure that they will comply with these standards!
Surviving Toxic Mold has a great article of questions to ask a remediation company when making your decision.
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We sell supplements that work in an effort to restore hope and health. We are unable to offer refunds on product once it leaves our warehouse.
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Phone: (816) 889-9801
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The store code is: drjaban